Stereotypes of Christians

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I have been thinking about this for a bit, and it's nothing biblical, but I have been thinking about how Christians are viewed by the outside world. When I say I am a Christian, what would certain people automatically think? I have heard a lot from the internet and other experiences (mostly the internet, because that is where people who need to blow off steam nearly always congregate). I came up with three things (that are not supposed to be) that Christians are stereotyped as. Sometimes, sadly, there are Christians like the ones below.

The Ignorant Christian
I think a lot of atheists view Christians as very ignorant. One boy, on hearing I am a Creationist, just looked at me and said, "You're a moron." (I put that idea down really quick with the argument against evolution I wrote in the previous chapter). Sadly, some Christians do not even care to learn how to defend their faith. Some Christians don't even read the Bible they are so blessed to have. Did you know the majority of Christians will never even see a Bible in their lifetime? But I digress. The point is, a lot of Christians are ignorant on science and their own faith, which leads to this stereotype.

The Hateful Christian
It is a common belief that Christians are "haters," "intolerant," and "bigots." And I am sure there are some Christians like that. However, I have not met any, and I do know my church is far from perfect! The Bible tells us to "love your enemies" (Matthew 5:44a). Anyone who hates his or her enemies (and not just enemies, including those who do not hold the same beliefs as them) is not behaving in a Christian manner. I said this before, and I will say it again: God does not hate gays! [Bible believing] Christians do not hate gays! It is just that God, and us Christians hate the sin. The Bible even says hate is the same thing as murder, and murder is wrong! 1 John 3:15.

The Weak Christian
This is a very unfortunately true stereotype. Not for all, but for most. I highly doubt some Christians even believe in God. I think they do in their heads, but not as a belief or a conviction. Only as a thought that they have been brought up with. A lot of Christians are ashamed to spread the Gospel. And some are too accepting of sin. Although accepting of sin (which is not good, by the way), they also often are hypocritical and gossip a lot. The Bible says, "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." Ouch.

How Christianity Should Be Judged
Christians are by no means perfect. A lot of non-Christians see how hypocritical some Christians are, and are very put off. This is why it is so important to hold yourself blameless as a Christian. But Christianity should be judged by the words of the Bible. No Christian is perfect. All we can do is try our best. But to ignore Christianity for the sole purpose of the failings of Christians is hypocritical in itself, because nobody is perfect. Christians are not "holier than thou," the only difference is we are forgiven.

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