Piercings and Tattoos for Christians?

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This is not one of the most important issues covered in this book, but it is definitely something good to know. How we present ourselves as Christians makes a difference in sharing the gospel with the lost world.

Let me begin by telling you I have not found any strict guidelines in the Bible that speak about tattoos or piercings, and how many or what kind you should get if you want one. A lot of this is up for judgment, which is why wisdom is so important as a Christian.

I saw an article by another Christian on Wattpad stating how Christians should not "put holes in their bodies" because our bodies are the Lord's. The verse she used is as follows:

1 Corinthians 6:19-20- "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body and your spirit, which are God's."

Indeed, our bodies are God's. But this verse is taken out of context. Let's read the preceding verse.

1 Corinthians 6:18- "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body."

Evidently, this Bible passage was talking about sexual immorality, in no way saying it is wrong to get tattoos or piercings. In fact, if it is wrong to get tattoos or piercings, sexual immorality would not be the only sin you can commit with your body.

I know a few areas in the Bible where piercings are mentioned as a positive. One, for an example, is this:

Proverbs 11:22- "As a ring of gold in a swine's snout, so is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion."

Another is when Isaac's servant gave Rebeka bracelets and a nose ring for a wedding gift (between her and Isaac, not the servant).

Piercings, even nose rings, were not taboo back then, but are they now? I don't think so. Most girls have piercings, and I am finding it more common for them to have two earrings in each ear than just one (like I have). Some parents even pierce their child's ears as a baby or toddler. If there is nothing bad associated with piercings, then why not?

I don't think it is a Christian thing to practically litter your body with piercings. You don't want to look like a rebel or like you belong in Ripley's Believe it or Not. But I think how many piercings one should get is up to judgment.

If you are a Christian who still doesn't believe piercings are a good choice, that is just as well.

Now, tattoos are a different story. There is a Bible verse that says you should not make marks or cuttings in your flesh for the dead. However, this is not referring to the modern practice of body art. It is referring to a pagan ritual that Christians should obviously not be associated with. Tattoos are no longer associated with pagan rituals, so does that mean Christians are free to get them? I looked up a bunch of memes on this subject, not reflecting my point of view, but showing what the world thinks of Christians with tattoos. These memes (and often tattoos, feature the aforementioned verse, Leviticus 19:28:

"You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD."

The mainstream idea of whether or not Christians should have tattoos or not does not look very positive. The view of Christians with tattoos seems to be hypocritical. Though tattoos are not associated with pagan rituals anymore, they are associated with hypocrisy (even though that verse is taken out of context).

The attitudes toward tattoos are changing. It is becoming more and more acceptable for Christians to get tattoos. I hope this is because the knowledge that this verse is taken out of context, not just because someone wants it. But how you appear to the world is very important, and at this point in time, it would not be my choice to get a tattoo (if I wanted one).
But the judgment call is still up to you. What do you think?

To be honest, I think the whole debate of whether or not Christians should get tattoos is missing a more important point: Should we really be spending that much money on ourselves? Tattoos are very expensive. Money that is spent on tattoos could be given to the poor or missionaries. Imagine the hundreds of dollars some of us spend on tattoos going to feed hungry children and give Bibles to Christians in dangerous parts of the world.

This brings up a topic that many Christians do not want to address, and to be honest, I don't want to think too much about it either. Tattoos aren't the only self-indulgent thing we engage in. I am not a big spender and I give to charity, but when I do spend money most of the time it is for myself. Why do I need this book or this toy when I might die tomorrow and the money will be wasted on my mere enjoyment? 

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