Help! I Feel Like I'm Not Saved!

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I struggled with this a lot as a child, and I am pretty sure this is something most Christians go through to an extent. It is incredibly important to know, even if this is not your struggle. This knowledge can be used to help other Christians.

When I first got saved, I felt a weight that I didn't even know I was carrying lift off my chest. An "emptiness" I was previously unaware of was filled. There was also such a feeling of happiness, safety, newness, and spirituality. But eventually, that emotional high went away, and I didn't feel the same way I had felt when I was saved. I was terrified this meant I actually did not care about God. That I wasn't actually saved. Maybe I didn't "believe enough," or maybe I had "done it wrong." That, coupled with intrusive thoughts (evil thoughts popping up in my mind despite trying my best not to have them), made me think I was not saved. I prayed for salvation three times. The last two times, I felt guilty for doing it again, because I felt I was invalidating the first time. Plus, there was barely a new feeling. Only relief. For about five minutes. Then I would feel like I messed up again. So much guilt. Now, I realize that was a compulsion related to OCD. I didn't need to ask for salvation two more times, despite my feelings and intrusive thoughts. I was saved through it all!

OCD or not, this can happen to all Christians, if not every Christian. I realized my fears were wrong when my pastor had a sermon about assurance of salvation. The moment he said, "Salvation is not a feeling, it's a message." it clicked. The relief was unbelievable, and it would last for a lifetime (at least, it's lasted thus far!). I realized the excited feelings of salvation would go away. But those were just feelings! It made so much sense!

I may get some fellow Christians coming along and telling me if I don't have all these great, exciting, spiritual feelings at the current moment, I am not spiritual, or close to God, or loving Him, or even saved! But it is too much to ask of a human to maintain a happy or spiritual mood every single day of his or her life. And if that is true, then we are saved one moment, then unsaved the next, then saved again. Makes no sense.

Love is an action, not a feeling. It repeats over and over in the Bible. John 14:15- "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Matthew 5:44 commands us to love our enemies (which does not mean you have to like them. "Like" is a feeling). Do you think Christ felt all warm and fuzzy about the people screaming, "Crucify Him!" or when they mocked Him, spat on Him, whipped Him, and nailed Him to the cross? Did His heart warm when Peter denied Him? I sure hope you would say "No!" But He still loved all of us, even through all that. He is not happy when we sin, but He still loves us. Just like you would (hopefully) love your sibling when he or she messes up, or your friend when he or she lies, or your parents when they break a promise.

You might be at this point in your life. If you are newly saved, you are probably feeling very excited and spiritual. These feelings may continue, but most likely they will wane. Later on in life, they may come back again. You may feel that same newness, excitement, spirituality, and happiness. That is awesome. But that is not really what love is. Love is staying with God whether you feel great or not. Whether you feel spiritual or not.

How can you show God true love? How can you really be spiritual? There are many ways. The Bible says, "Whether ye eat or drink, or whatever ye do, do all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

- Praying
- Reading the Bible
- Loving your family
- Loving your friends
- Loving your enemies
- Giving Him the glory
- Appreciating His creation
- Giving thanks
- Praying for help
- Witnessing to others
- Encouraging other Christians
- Respecting authority
- Being humble
- Praying for people you don't like
- Being a missionary
- Being polite
- Acting kind when others are being mean
- Being a great listener
- Being slow to speak
- Being slow to anger
- Improving your weaknesses
- Reading, voting, and commenting on this book *wink, wink*

There are so many more ways to love God, no matter if you feel excited or spiritual about being a Christian. The sad thing is that many Christians only follow God if they feel like it. Only if they are happy or spiritual at the moment. Then, when it dies off, they don't love Him anymore. They live like the world, and go back to emptiness. So, let me tell you, don't follow your heart. Follow God, no matter what you feel like. Feelings are chemicals. Love is action. Whether you feel close to God or not is no indication of your spirituality, love, or salvation. In fact, the closer you get to God, the more you realize how far away from Him you really are. That can bring some Christians down, but getting down does no good. Just do your best. Remember that your weaknesses are where God shows through. Don't rely solely on your feelings, other people, your intelligence, or your strength. You can use these things, but most importantly, rely on God.

And stay with Him, no matter what. You can be certain He will never leave you. He is not going to be nitpicky about your salvation prayer, or if you "did it right." He cares about your belief (that Jesus saves you, and that He is the only one or thing that can), trust, faith, and devotion to Him.

If you believe in Jesus, you are saved. Acts 16:31- "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." That's not a feeling. It's a message. And God never breaks His promises. Romans 10:9-11 also says, "...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."

I hope that Christians who are struggling with this will read this, or something from another source. I wish I had heard about this truth years earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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