Part 1: "leaving home."

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"With the dawn first light." I was all packed up and had gone to let both my mother and grandmother that I was.

(Maya) I am ready.

(Athena second) I had just spoken with your father, he is on his way. That is most excellent news, mother.

Nervous? I am an Amazon we do not feel nervous but, yes and I am a little sad that I will be leaving home though.

(Grandmother/Queen) We know Maya. But this will be good for you. It will give you an Amazing chance to see how the outer world is. It will be an opportunity for you to see and learn their ways.

And like your mother had done, maybe show them some of ours as well. I shall do my best grandmother. We know you will.

(Athena) But, Maya. Know this. The outside world is not always a nice place. There are still some threats that you must be aware of. And be careful. Unless someone wishes to do you harm.

That is the only time that I want you to defend yourself. And If I see someone who needs help? That is okay too. Remember what makes Amazon an Amazon?

We must do what is right. And what did Angelica teach you. To do what is right. But to also show kinds and love to others. My mother smiled at me with kind eyes and a warm heart.

That is my brave Amazon. Just then, a loud sound had come from outside. And from looking out from the palace window. We saw what had look to be a large, pitch black, metal bird.

(Maya) Mother? What is that?

(Athena) That's your father. And that thing that he is in, is a plane. It's how he is able to come and see you. Oh.

As we had walk to the large thing. It had open and walking out of it, was a man in a dark, navy blue, suit. With a blue dress shirt and dark, black hair.

(Thomas) Hello, darling. (Athena) Hello, Thomas. Hello, Maya. Hello father.

I know what you're thinking. Do I already know him? Well yes. You see at first my father had use to be in a relationship with my Sensei. But after she had vanished.

Both he and my mother, had started to as they would say date. And would soon married. And then they had me. And unlock my grandfather. When I was born.

My father had wanted to make sure that he would spend time with me and had come to visit me. But because of my mother's duties. We had to live on our island.

But now, my mother had believed that it was time for us to be near the rest of our family. Which is another reason why this was happening.

(Athena) I am glad to see that you made it. And miss getting a chance to spends some time with my daughter. Of course. Besides, I was heading to Nova City.

I needed to head there for company trip. And I would have some time off to spend with Maya while I'm there. And I also wanted to see how Richie had been.

That sounds good. It will allow Maya to have the chance to meet with one of her brothers.

(Maya confused) One of them. How many children does father have, mother?

(Thomas) A lot, now counting you. Is that all that you are bringing along? Yes. Alright, I'll just take the sword and shield for you.

As my father had taken my weapons on board the plan. While I had said my goodbyes to everyone. I guess this is it.

(Athena) It is not goodbye, Maya. I will join you soon. I just have to take care of some things here. But when it is taken care of, I will join. Until then learn from your father.

He is a wise man. So please do not get him or yourself into any trouble. I shall do my best mother.

(Grandmother Queen) Take care, Maya. May the gods guide you. And please do visit the island once and a while. I shall. I love you grandmother.
I know.

And you my sister's. I love all of you. My sisters had cheer me off. I had entered the large plan. It started up. Flying us into the sky as I look out the window until the island.

The place that I had called home, was out of sight. (Thomas) You, Ok Maya?
I will be. I'm just never left home before. Well, you won't be alone.

I guess so.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now