Part 5: "Only a warrior."

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"After what had happened at the mall, Cora had wasted no time on bringing us back to her house." What happened today was unexpected but, both my father and Richard were watching the video on the news channel.

(Richard) It looks like the girls had a nice time at the mall. (Thomas) Not the kind of time that I thought they would have. Well, you can get the full story. They just pulled up now.

They both look out the window and they watch as Cora, Mary and I had gotten out of the car and had walk in through the door.

(Thomas) Hey, yeeha ladies. Had a nice time at the mall? (Cora) Um, you could say that.

(Maya) Indeed. It was my first time to one but, I did not expect anything like what we had just went through. Oh, you mean like stopping some armed men. Who did you know that father?

(Richard) Um, Maya. Richard had pointed to the screen and on it was me fighting those men. By Athena! I said sounding surprised.

(Thomas) I know. I'm happy to know that you are all okay and that no one was hurt. But, Maya. You should have not have done that. What do you mean father? What do you think that I mean young lady?

(Maya) I don't know? I am wondering on how can this magical box had captured my soul within it. Evil box. I said as I had grabbed my sword. Give me back my soul!

Maya! It doesn't have your soul. That is a recording of you from today. Maya, your mother wanted you to come to this world so that you could not only meet the rest of your family.

But also, so that you didn't have to be a full-on warrior and learn to not have to pick up your sword. Now I want to know right now, why you had decided to do that!

While I was explaining to father my reason. Elsewhere, the man that was watching the video of me was gathering up weapons. From things like guns, swords, knives, and darts.

As if he was preparing for a battle. As he was doing this, there had soon came a knock at the door.

(Mystery man) Come in.

(Man) Sir. What is it Ivan? I was coming to see if you were hungry but, from the looks of it. You are heading back to the jungle for a new hunt?

You are right about one thing Ivan. I am about to go on a new hunt. But this time, I will be hunting something in this jungle. Something very unique.

How unique are we talking sir? Very. I am about to hunt the one thing that I have wanted to hunt ever since I had read about them in legends. What is it sir?

An Amazon. But I thought that Athena was the only one out there. Apparently not. How do you know that she even is an Amazon? Just look at this. They both looked at the video. That speed and power. I have gone after many powerful beasts.

But, I have never hunted something as powerful as her. Her head shall look great on my wall. I shall pick out the best spot then. Have a wonderful hunt but I do need to ask though.

What happens if someone gets in your way? Then, I shall have another new trophy's to added. It is if I have never hunt and killed another human before. And hanging over his head we're six heads of other people.

Meanwhile I was finishing explaining to my father about what had happened today. Okay, I understand. You were watching from the food court and when you saw Cora and Mary in trouble.

I had to help. An Amazon warrior always fights for what's right. That is what my mother has always taught me. But Maya, the while reason for bringing you to the outside world other than the fact that we had wanted you to meet the rest of your family.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now