Part 2: "Nova City"

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"We had flown through the blue sky, and by and through the white clouds." And in six hours we had arrived at what was called a city.

(Thomas) Here we are. Welcome to Nova City, Maya. My eyes had grown wide by the amazing sight of this place that they had called a city.

The plan had landed and once we had step off, I was blown away by everything. So much that while my father was talking to pilot, I had wonder off.

(Thomas) Maya? I was so focus by looking all over, that I did not pay attention to a metal beast coming right at me.

My father did and he had pulled me out of the way. Hank! The metal beast went. That was close. (Maya) What was that, thing?

(Thomas) That thing is called a taxi. They take people from place to place. It is a type of vehicle called a car. It's like a plan except, it doesn't fly.

(Maya) So then all of those things. They are cars too? Yes, and this black one here, is ours. So, hop inside. While I put these bags in the trunck. Very well.

I was about to get in but my shield and sword was preventing me from getting in.

(Thomas) Maya. Give the sword and shield. I had given them to him and now I could get in. We had gotten in and the metal thing had driven off. And as it did, I was watching as everything had gone by. I was amazed by everything that I saw. From men walking dogs. Woman going into stores. I even saw other girls that look to be my age.

But I was most amazed by was the technology. We had very impressive things back on the island. But seeing blur men appear from flat black things or the kind that was close to their ears.

Was incredible.

(Maya) This place. All of these, things. They are impressive. I'm glad that you like it. So, what do I call you? Maya, I'm your dad.

(Thomas) You can call me Dad, or father if you like. Okay, Father. Where are we going? Well before I show you where we are staying. I want to see how Richard is doing.

I haven't heard from him or his wife Cora. Who is Richard? Oh, well he is a friend of mine. I met him when I had started my life as a hero. But after his uncle had been killed.

I took him in, when he was 15. So, he's kind of like my son. Which makes him your brother. How many siblings do I have? Three two older Brothers, plus one young brother. Actually, he would be around your age.

But you have three older sisters. Am I going to meet them? You will but, Richard and Cora are the only two living in Nova City.

So, their the first that you will meet. It would not take us long. We had very soon arrived in the place that was called the suburbs. Children we're playing.

On bikes or in the street. While men were in their garage. Watching men play a game with a strange looking ball. And we had stop out front of a big house that was painted turquoise.

Here we are.

(Maya) This is where they live? Mm-hmm. Then let us go and meet my brother and. Your sister in law. What is that? It means that she is your sister by Marge.

No, I mean. What is going on over there? Just behind me we saw four children standing by a tree. So, we had gone over to investigate.

(Thomas) Hey, kids. What's going on.

(Little Girl) Oh, hi grandfather. Grandfather? It's Ms. Meow. She stuck in the tree. Who is Ms. Meow? (Thomas) Her pet cat.

I look up and I saw a gray and black cat clutching tightly to a branch. Shacking with fear. (Thomas) Is your father home? Daddy is still at work. But mommy is inside.

Okay, I'll go get here. But before father could do that. I slowly had flown to the branch to the kitty. As some of the residents had watch as they saw a flying girl.

(Maya talking to kitty) Here, kitty, kitty. It's okay. I've got you. I slowly pick her up and had floated back down. While both Cora and Richard had seen the whole thing and came out to see.

Cora and came out of the house. While Richard saw as he was pulling up into the driveway. Here's your Kitty back. Thank you. You're welcome.

(Thomas) Um, Maya. In the future. You want to be careful on when you use your powers. Sorry father.

(Richard and Cora surprise) Father? Oh, hello Richard. Cora. Oh, greetings. So, you are Richard and Cora. It is an honor to meet one of my older siblings.

And his wife. I am Maya of the Amazons. I am honor to meet the both you.

(Richard) Um, Thomas. I'll tell you inside. Come on, Maya. As you wish father.

(Cora calling to the little girl) Mary. Inside. Coming mommy. Once inside the house. While father was talking with the both of them. Mary, their daughter was showing me around their home.

(Mary) And, this was us the time we had went to "Disneyland." Disney what? It's a fun place, filled with magic. Hmm. I guess there are places like that.

Are you related to aunt Athena? I am, she is my mother. I am also related to the goddess Athena. She's my grandmother. Cool. I feel fine. That had made he laugh.

And while she did, there was a picture that I saw. Oh, that's a photo taken of my mommy and daddy with Ms. Angelica, The Night Angel. You've heard of her?

I actually knew her. She taught me how to fight. She was my teacher. And she was like a second mother to me. What happened to her? What do you mean? Well everyone says that she had just disappeared one day.

And No one knows why? No one? Not even any of the other heroes? I don't think so. I look at the picture and had ask. What happened to your sensei? Mary. Coming mommy.

(Thomas) Maya you too. We met them in the kitchen where. (Richard) So you are Maya. It's nice to meet my Little Sister. Richard Matthew. Private eye. What is that? Well, it means that I'm a detective.

(Mary) My daddy is the best.

(Cora) I'm, Cora Summers. And I work for your father at his company here in Nova City. And you've already met our daughter Mary.

Indeed, I have. It is lovely to meet all of you. And to be inside your home too. (Cora) Well, you are welcome here.

(Richard) So, brings the great Thomas Earnheart to our home. Well, I'm here one because business. Second, I wanted to see how my son and his family were doing. And I thought this would be a great chance for you to meet your sister.

Since her and her mother are going to be moving in with me. Wait, a second. Athena and her are going to be staying with you?

(Thomas) Well, Maya is my daughter and I am legally married to her mother, so yes that is allowed.

(Cora) He does make a good point honey. Soon, there had come a strange/loud sound. What is that? Relax Maya. Father had told me. It's just your phone?

Your what? Father had pulled a black device from his pocket and spoke into it. Hello? Yes, this is Thomas Earnheart. Right now? Okay, I'm on my way.

That was the office. I have to go. Would it be alright if I left Maya Here with you? (Cora) Of course. Thank you. Um Richard, do you mind if you came along. I might need a second opinion on this.

(Richard) Um, yeah sure. Thank you. So, then what am I supposed to do? While you're gone. (Cora) How much close did she bring with her Thomas?

I think she might need some more. How about I take her shopping? That would be great. Shopping? Your about to find out.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن