Part 8: "The next move."

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"In the Kitchen Mother, Father, And Richard and Cora." We're watching the video that was making me famous.

(Richard) You have to admit, from both her form and strikes. She has been trained really well.

(Athena) To well. Cora had then come back into the room.

(Cora) I just put Mary to bed. How many views has the video gotten? Over about 100 views. And a lot of comments.

(Thomas reads) This one says. She is amazing. She is powerful. And this one says. She is cool. Hmm. Kind of reminds me of when you had first reviled yourself.

Don't remind me. Look Honey. I know that the reason why we had brought Maya to the outside world was to help her learn that she could be more than just a warrior.

And believe me when I had learned that she did this. I was upset as well. But all we did do was just bring her into the flames of battle. I just don't want her to just know the ways of battle.

I want her to know more so that she knows who she wants to be and not just a fighter.

(Cora) It sounds like to me, like she is becoming more of a protector. It seems like she is being a hero just like her parents. Which is not a bad thing. I mean when Richey had first met you

He wanted to help and you had shown him that there was away. Cora is right and please don't call me Richey honey. But she is right.

Thomas, because of you. You had help me to become a detective. Heck, you had shown me and Cora on how we could help you instead of dressing up as superheroes.

Richard, we were never superheroes. We just help your dad as a detective and an engineer/hacker. That's my point.

But here is another one. Is it a bad thing that she wants to protect people? I mean after monarch was defeated. The architects had just stop. I mean we know that most of your team members had left to have family.

And Night Angel has vanished along with Dorothy. And Max and Henry are not speaking to each other. There isn't that many of you guys. Well I mean besides the two of you and some of the core members.

And those takes about that boy whose hair catches fire or that super girl that gave monarch that scare. There isn't that many heroes around.

(Thomas) I'm glad that you feel that way son because. Me, Athena along with some of the team that are still members, we have had some ideas of starting up a program to recruit and fund new heroes and members to the architects.

And I was thinking that when Maya is a little older made we should ask if she wants to join. (Athena) Maybe, Thomas. But for now, I just want our girl to have somewhat of a life and second.

I want to know who this person was that had attacked my daughter. I'll ask Maya about him in the morning. For right now, it might be for the best that you let her sleep.

After the pounding that she took and also what you just told her. I don't think that she might want to talk to you Athena. And I don't mean any disrespect.

(Cora) Richard is right. I can see where you are coming from because I'm a mother too. But, what you just said to her that it did seem kind of hurtful.

(Athena thinking) Maybe I was a little too hard. But she is my daughter and my job is to protect her. And I just don't want to see her get hurt.

(Thomas) How about we just talk about this in the morning. Richard, is alright with you and Cora if Maya spends the night here?

(Cora) It is not a problem. Thank you both of you. After both of my parents had left. Cora had noticed that something was bothering her husband.

What's is it Rick? Something about the way that boy Yoshi had describe the man who had attack Maya. Something about him sounds kind of familiar.

While elsewhere back in his home, the man known as Hunter was gearing up.

(Hunter) I almost had her. My greatest prize ever and she was taken from me.

(Man) Sir, you know that I have supported you and your quest to hunt the rare speech but don't you think going after a young girl is a little too much?

What, do you mean? Well, it is one thing to hunt animals. But this Amazon, she is just a girl. No, she is not. She my greatest prize and I will not stop until her head hangs on my wall.

But if she has family? Then their heads shall hang as well. I have waited my whole life to chase an Amazon. Ever since I had heard and read about them. I have always wanted to hunt one.

I will have her head and no one is going to stop me. And what about the authorities. You already have been charged on multiple accounts. If you do this, it will be your final strike. You could be risking your freedom.

I do not care. But still hunting and killing a person. Why is that so surprising. I have already done it before. You have what.

Hunter had shown his man servant the wall for his human victims. And he was shock to see all of those heads hanging on that wall like animal heads.

"Do you see now." No one will stand between me or my prey. This is just wrong. Agree to disagree. Sir, I may have to stood by you even though something in me has told me not too, I still have.

If you wish to hunt this child then you shall do it without me. I will not be part of this madness. I understand. As Hunter man servant had walk away. Hunter had grabbed his gun and had shot him right through the heart.

And as he stood over as he watches the man drop dead he said. But like I said, no one shall come between me and my prize. Not even you. The man had died and Hunter had walk back into his office and had stared at images all of me from my fine style to my stance to how I held my weapons.

Tomorrow, I shall have my prey. All I need now is some bait. And I know who it is. Hunter had focused his attention to one picture in particular. A photo of me.

But his eyes were not on me but on the person, who was in the photo with me. "Yoshi."

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now