Part 8: "What do you want?"

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"Yesterday was not how I had thought my first day in the outside would be." I had met one of what I am guessing of my many siblings and his family. I went on a shopping trip.

I had made some allies or friends. Had apprehended some thieves. And then I was attacked by a stranger who called himself hunter. And then the worst part is what my mother had said to me.

(Maya's mother flashback) you're not a warrior you're not a protector you're just my daughter. I was already feeling hurt from my battle with hunter. But when my mother had said that.

That was way worse than any attack or punch could do. I know my mother wanted me not to always have to be a warrior. But now looking at it, I never had a chose on what I wanted.

I did ask to be a warrior, well maybe a little bit. But I did ask to come to this place. I have just been told to do something and I did but no one had ever asked me what I wanted.

I was saying all of this as I was sitting in Richard and Cora's backyard underneath a big tree. And as I was Richard had asked me.

(Richard) Um, Maya. Are you talking to a squirrel? He is a good listener. I just needed someone to talk too. Well how about your big brother? I mean, I'm not a squirrel but, Cora says that I am an excellent listener.

He had sat down next to me and as he had said, lend me his ear. So, get whatever it is off of your chest. And by that, I mean, tell me what it is that is bothering you.

Well, it's just that my mother is right. Last night I had realized that all I have ever known is the way of the sword. How to fight. How defend and to be a warrior.

It's just that both of my mother and sensei had told me stories of their adventures and that had made me want to learn how to be what they were. Do you mean a hero, a legend?

No. A protector. I was always taught that when you fight it should be for the right reason. To not only help those who are in trouble but to protect the ones that you care about.

That is what I what I had always believed. And that was the only reason why I had help Cora and Mary. It was because they were in danger. And I just couldn't let them get hurt or worse.

That time I had a chose. But I didn't have a chose to come here. My mother wants me to not be a warrior. But when someone needs help, something inside of me takes over.

But if I do that, it's not what mother or father want. I am so confused. I understand where you are coming from, Maya. But I also understand where your mother is coming from too.

She is just trying to look out for you and keep you safe. She might be a powerful, warrior. But she is also a mom. And a mom's job first and foremost is to be there and protect their child.

I know that you didn't ask to be here Maya. But if you were not her then, neither would my wife and daughter. I am glad that you saved them. But all your mother is trying to do is to show you that you don't always have to be

A warrior. You can be other things. So, the question that you should be asking is, who do you want to be Maya? To be honest, I don't know.

Just think about that. It's your life, you decide on what you want. Thank you, Richard. Anytime. But you can call me big brother or brother Richard. Just don't call me dick.

You can call me Rich, Rick or Richey. Actually, Rich or Rick will be fine. I will think about that. Sounds like a plan. Well in the meantime. I need to file a report on the guy who attack you last night.

I could help you with that. Please. It would go by faster with an eyewitness. As the both of us had walk back inside. Across town at a local coffee shop. Both of my parents were sitting at a table.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now