Part 12: "Go your own way."

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"Hunter had been captured." And once he was, father had called Richard. And it did not take long for both him and the police force to arrive on the scene.

As one of the offices had placed hand cuffs on Hunter as they walked to one of their metal things and had slammed the door shut.

(Richard) I have been waiting a long time for this. Hunter Jackson, you are under arrest for hunting in danger, mass murder, kidnapping, and for hunting my sister.

(Hunter) It does not matter. With the vast amount of money, I have in my account I will be out of prison soon and why do. I'm coming back for you Amazon this is not over.

(Thomas back in his normal clothes) Oh, I believe it is. All of your money and stocks have now been frozen. So, you will not be getting out of prison this time.

Especially with an anonymous tip that you had murdered your man servant in Cold blood. And thanks to your home security cameras we got footage of you of you murdering him.

(Richard) Counting that and now those were your last strikes you're going to jail for a long time and you're not seeing daylight again but just make sure that you won't be getting out we put you in a maximum-security prison in archetype City.

That does not change anything I will get out and when I do I'm coming for You Amazon. I looked hunter in the eyes with a serious look on my face and told him

I'll be waiting for that day. With those last words. The car had driven away with him inside of it. But Unsure that something might happen. Richard had told them. Just in case. Send three more cars to follow.

The officers did that, as four of them had gotten inside their vehicles and driven off behind. Do you think that will hold him? Hopefully, Maya.

We had gone back into the park to tell the others.

(Mika) Hunter is being sent to Iron Cell person in archetype City. You sure that will hold him brother? Oh, yeah. There is a whole wing of the person for people both with or without powers.

Hunter won't be hunting you or you two. Or anyone ever again. That's good to know. You can say that again Mika. And um, Maya. I just want to say again. Thank you for coming to rescue me.

Well, you and Mika. Did rescue me first. And besides you two are the first real friends that I've ever had. And friends help each other. Even when they have some feelings for each other.

Oh, so there is something between you and my brother. Hmm? Okay. There might be feelings starting here. Might? I ask him. Okay. There is. Don't rub it in Mika.

Well if there is then maybe there is something that we should tell her. Oh, you mean the fact that the two of you are not only Yakuzas but the fact that you are both Vampires?

As soon as I had asked them that, the two of them had look at me with a surprise reaction. Not just them, Richard was even surprised as well. How did you,

Know? When you guys saved me, I saw your fangs remember? Right, you did. And dose that bother you? I was always taught to tell the difference between a good person and a bad one.

I just see the eyes of two good ones. But I do have to know one thing. Do either of you drink blood? Mika dose. But, let's just say that we are unique. Okay.

That is great to know. Because, if you put one fang on my daughter. Don't worry about that Mr. Earnheart. I don't bite a friend. And my sister will only drink blood of her true love.

(Maya) Who? Um, that I will keep to myself. But maybe I might tell you, if you're going to stay? Well. Maya. My mother had called out. Before you answer that. I need to tell you something.

I am sorry. For what, mother? You were right. I should have asked you before I had brought you here. Maya, the truth is that. The reason why your father and I wanted you to come here, it wasn't just because we wanted you to not just learn how not to be a warrior.

But, it was because we wanted you to have a life. We wanted you to have your own life. But we also wanted you to meet the rest of your family that you didn't know about. And what makes a great warrior isn't just learning how to fight.

But, every warrior must also learn how to be a person when they don't have to fight. But, also. They need to have friends that they can rely on. And you have already done that.

Maya, I know that you want to be a warrior so that you can be like me, your father and grandmother. But you are so gifted and we just don't want you to just be a sword.

Well, actually mother. I owe you an apology as well you are right all of my life I've just been trained how to be a warrior and how to prepare for battle and war but I've never had the chance just to be me or just to just have a life and not be ready for a fight.

And I do want to learn how to just be an average girl. Mika was about to say something but Yoshi had stop her. Some of the real reason I wanted to be a warrior is because I want to help people like you father and Sensei did.

The reason why I helped Cora and Mary out back of the mall that was the same reason why I wanted to be a warrior because I wanted to help people I don't want to be famous or be someone's champion I just want to help because you guys have always taught me just to do the right thing and Amazon always does that plus we fight to help and that's what I want to do.

I will give a shot at being an average girl but I still want to help people when I can. Hearing that had made mother smile and look at me with pride. Then I know that you will do great things.

Thomas. Would it be alright with you if our daughter stays with you a bit longer? I wasn't going to send her away. Take care of her and teach her well. I will. I have to take care some things. But once I am finish. I will be back.

I love you my little warrior. I love you too mother. And Yoshi. Yes, ma'am? Treat my daughter right. I will. Good. Because if you don't I'll feed you to a harpy. Yoshi had giggled as he look at me and ask. She's joking, right?

Oh, no. She is very serious. Oh. My mother had hugged me goodbye. And had flown off into the sky. You have an interesting mother Maya. Thank you, Mika.

(Thomas) Now how about we get out of this dark, park. I like that idea. Do you think that you guys could give us a ride to the airport. Because we were about to head for home before all of this had happened.

Sure thing. Hey, Yoshi. You might want to give Maya your number so that you can keep in touch with her. Good idea. Wait a second. Maya, do you have a phone that I can call you on.

And all I could say was. What is a Phone? Also, call? When I had asked them that they said. It looks like you have a lot to learn.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora