Part 13: "Let's get started."

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"We had then left the park." We had driven Yoshi, Mika, and their bodyguard to the airport. And had bid them a safe trip home. We then returned Richard back to his home.

And then Father and I had left Nova City and were now on our way to Father's home city, Starlight City. It did look bad in fact, it had look kind of nice. But I think that I had preferred Nova City instead.

And for the next five days, I spent them with My Father and his bodyguard at his and my future home. And not only did I have the chance to meet my brother and his family.

And the men that Father had trusted with his life besides Richer. I also had met the rest of my other siblings. And learning how to be an average girl was not easy but I was understanding something. Yoshi, Mika, and I still manage to keep in touch.

And I was also starting to learn about some of the amazing things that I could do. Superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. And when I could

I was using them to help when I could. Mainly in small ways. Helping people cross the street, getting cats out of a tree. And even scaring off bullies from a little girl. Father could see the kindness that I had shown when I had help.

Which had given him an idea. I think that she is perfect. Is it finally time sir? I believe that it is. And on a late Sunday night. Father had said that he had wanted to speak with me about something.

So, father what did you want to speak to me about? Maya, you know that your mother and I are one of the founding members of the archetypes. Yes, I know that. And do you know about what happened to some of the members?

Well, my mother told me that some of them went off to have families. Some had retired. And I had heard that Sensei had one day vanished. And I believe that the same thing with one of the speedsters on the team.

Um, yeah. But other than that. I know that you all haven't assembled in a while. Well, you are right. Some of our members did go on to have families. But some of them had died.

Did she also tell you about what was are last mission we all had together? She told me that it was when you defeated monarch. It was are final mission that we all had together and it was a tough battle but we beat him.

But we had also lost some of our members, some of our friends because of that monster. We did not realize it at first that he had an evil plan for all of us.

And if we did then maybe. The point is we had lost a lot of friends. But we knew right there that we needed to find more. More what? Heroes. People with powers who wanted to help.

We have found some new members and two that have taken on our fallen friend's names. But we knew that we would need another team.

When monarch arrived on our planet. We didn't know how much that stranger, that god from another planet would change things but the one thing we did know and we do still know this day is that the world will always need heroes' people who can give hope in the darkest of times.

Like that mystery flying girl who had the same Powers as monarch? Yes. She had given the people hope when he had thought he had crush it. But she did. And now, me and some of the other members of our team.

We're thinking about putting together another team. And Maya. Your kindness, your compassion and caring. You are the first one that I would like to put in this program.

And what is this program called father? Father had led me down underneath the house to his secret lair. Underground bunker. Filled with Megan said held his different types of suits.

Shiny computers and stuff to use for training. He told me as he handed me a folder. We're calling at the Trigage initiative. The idea was to put together a group of new heroes who wanted to use their unique skill sets and abilities. Fight the fight that we couldn't.

But the main thing was to be a team that would always give the world hope no matter how dark things had gotten. But why me? Because, the reason why you want to be a warrior.

Is not for the passion for battle. But because you want help. That is what we are looking for this team. People who want to help, just because they want too.

I have been searching for the right person the start this. I just never thought that my own would the perfect pick. So, what would you want me to do?

For now, help me find others like you. People who want to help. But where would we get the money for this? From me. Well, me. Besides me. Three other rich guys are funding this project.

So you don't have to worry about money. But this has to be your choice. So do you want to do this? This was a big for me too. I just came to this world to learn how to be a regular girl and now my father was presenting me with this.

Would this be an everyday thing? No. It would be more like a once-a-week thing. So you would still be able to have a life. This does sound interesting. And a chance to help.

Okay, I will do this. But I have to be the one who picks these people. That is why you are in charge of finding the rest. Just trust your heart and I know that you will pick the right people.

Then I am in. Great. So, what do we do now? We start looking. This is how my story began and you know what? I cannot wait to see where it goes from here  .

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now