Part 11: " Amazon Vs Hunter."

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"Hunter had come out of nowhere and had knocked me across just as I was untying Yoshi from his bonds."

(Hunter) I knew that If I had captured your mate, then you would come.

This is between the two of us. Let him go. That was my plan. But plans change. I can't have him tell anyone. I'm never going back to a jail cell.

That's too bad. Because, that is where you are going. I had tossed my shield at him, it misses him. Ha! He had laugh. Nice toss, but you miss. No, I didn't. My shield had bounced off a tree and it hit him right in the back of the head knocking him out for just a little bit.

I ran over to Yoshi and using my sword I had slice the ropes in half set him free. Thank you. But when did you become a "Captain America" fan?
And my responds to that. Captain who?

Never mind. My father and your sister are in that direction. Don't stop running until you are all out of here. And out of nowhere, Hunter that tackled me to the ground as I struggled shouting to Yoshi. GO!

Yoshi had taken off running and he had soon caught up with Mika and Father and they were heading back for their bikes.

(Hunter) Go on, run. I had made some surprise for you. Like what? I am called the hunter for a reason. I did not only lay out traps for you. But I had also stop by the zoo to let out some new friends.

(A lion roars echoing through the night) what did you do? Yoshi, Mika and Black Devil are soon then confronted by two black panthers.

I just let two cats out for their late-night feeding. Your friends are theirs. But you are mine. Oh no, I'm not. Pow! I had hit him across the face. And had called father.

(Maya talking on comms) Father? Can you hear me? I can Maya. Father, listen. Hunter has. Let out some panthers. We know. Maya, don't worry about us. We'll take care of these cats.

You just worry about hunter. Hunter had gotten up, whipt the blood from his lips. You have drawn first blood. Good. But now it is my turn.

Hunter had tossed a knife. I had thought that he was aiming for me. But as I had duck, his knife had activated one of his traps that had launched a bunch of darts at me.

I have managed to dodge all the approaching darts that were firing right at me but unknowns me Hunter had tossed some bolos at me which had tie my arms and legs together. He had then push me over a hill a large hill and the both of us had went stumbling down it. Using my strength, I manage to free myself.

(Hunter) You manage to break your bonds. Impressive. he was about to hit me, until I had grabbed his fist. I am just getting started. And I had punch him with my strength, causing him the bleed. As he asks me once we had reached the bottom of the hill. Is that all you've got? He then had kick me right into the zoo and I had crash up against one of the animal's cages.

"Meanwhile elsewhere." My father, Mika, and Yoshi had reached a dead-end and approaching from behind were two hungry looking panthers.

(Yoshi) It looks like we can't run anymore. (Mika) Then it's time to fight.

(Black Devil) I think your right. Do you two need a weapon?

(Mika) Nope. We are weapons. Mikes eyes had turn crimson red as two fangs had come out. And Yoshi's eyes had turn yellow as he drew out his claws. And the two of them had charged at those two large cats. Mika had attack one of those cats as if they were now prey. as she had pulled out a small sword from the back of her shirt and had even mange to draw blood from it.

In which it had cased that cat to back off and the other one was about to attack her. But out of nowhere. It had resaved scratches from daggers that had seem to be made out of air. And while it was down, Yoshi had conjured up a sword out of air and by moving his arms very fast, he had created a blast of wind. Which had sent that black cat flying and crashing into trees. The two, large cats had given up.

And as they had gotten Yoshi and Mika's sent they had sand down. And my father had known right then and there who they were and what they were. I guess you two really are weapons. Told you. I can see that. Maya, has only been in the outside world and she has already found herself a man that will always help her.

(Yoshi) Oh my, god. I am not her man. Really? Well not yet but. Well, don't worry I above. But when you do decide to date her. make sure you also tell her that you two are vampires. The two of them were surprise. If you want to keep your secret on the down low then don't go vamp around somebody.

But how do you know that were vampires. let's just say that you two are not the first vamps that I have come across, plus. Thanks to a friend of a friend, I have a bit of a vamp side too. But do you think that your two friends there wouldn't mind helping us?

Back with me, I was getting back onto my feet. When a little monkey had started to shriek. I had look and quickly I had duck just as Hunter's spear had almost taken a swipe at my head. Thank you. The monkey had laugh. Stooped, beast. you cannot win or beat me. He said as he was still attacking me.

Do you think that this is the first time that this has happened? Do you know how many rare beasts that I have hunted? How many people who have tried to stop me and failed. He had knocked my sword out of my hand and had kick me in the face and then hit me in the stomach. How many times something has stood in my way and is now hanging on my wall. Pow! Boom! And you really think that you can beat me.

You are not a warrior. All you are is a scared, little, girl! He had then knock me down hard that I had crash onto the stone ground. And as I had laid there in pain, hunter had approach and was about to impale me, until I had grabbed his weapon before it could. And I had used all of my strength to hold the blade back but it was slowly reaching closer and closer to my chest.

(Hunter) You are no warrior. You are not a hero. You are not even an Amazon. Once he had said that. Something inside of me was unleashed as I told him. I am, an Amazon. Boom! I had punch hard that he had gone flying back ten feet from me. I had broken his weapon and before he could blink. I went blasting at him like a shooting star. Hitting him, left and right, over and over. They were right, I have always seen myself as a warrior. But you know what?

And from behind me, those same panthers that he had let out were not on myside. I'm more than just a warrior. I had told those cats to attack and they did. They had kept him off of his guard, giving me time to jump in and hit him. I had saw an empty cage and that is what I was going to trap him in. But he would not go so easily.

he saw what I was trying to do so he had hit knock me back before I could have knock him in and he had done the same thing to the panthers. it was a nice plan, but you should know this. no one can defeat the hunter. (Yoshi calling out) Well, didn't someone tell you. never hit a girl. And using his wind.

Yoshi had blasted him back and I had kick him right inside the cage and had slammed the door locking him inside.

(Maya) Hunting season is over. Thanks for the help. We'll it's what friends do. And even that thing other than just friends? Well, I mean we are just friends, right? I did not say anything so, I just gave him a kiss. Which had made his whole face turn bright red. Okay, maybe. Just maybe, we are more than friends. I kiss him again. Now we are.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Where stories live. Discover now