Part 7: "Just a girl."

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"At a very young age, I was taught and trained to fight battles." All I had ever wanted was to be a powerful and strong warrior just like my mother.

And through flashes of my memories, that is all I saw. Training, practicing, sparring and fighting. All I ever did was just learn how to be a warrior. And the two things that my aunts had always taught me was that, "An Amazon never loses."

Well I did. I had lost to a powerful hunter. And he had me cornered like a wild wounded, animal. And as I had opened my eyes I could see that I was in a bed.

I saw My Father and mother from the looks of it arguing. Richard and Cora were there too. And Mary was offering tea to Mika and Yoshi.

I could move better and I felt fine as well but, I was still a bit sore. Which I had learned when I had tried to move.

(Maya in pain) ahh! Oh. What? What, happened?

(Cora) Hey, Maya's awake!

(Richard) That's good to hear. (Thomas) How do you feel, Maya? My whole body feels like I was slammed onto a large rock.

(Yoshi) More like smash into a bunch of fake animals and glass. Yoshi, Mika. What are you doing here?

(Richard) They brought you back here after they found you. If it wasn't for them, you would be toast. I would be what? Deep trouble.

(Athena) She still is. Mother, when did you arrive? I had arrived about 3 minutes after your father had told me that you had walk out the door and slamming it.

Maya, we had taught you better than that. An Amazon must always be ready for a fight. But she does not go out looking for someone to start a fight with.

I did not start anything. I was just sitting in the park, doing nothing when I was attack by a man. Then you should have not gone out there by yourself.

I am an Amazon mother I know how to protect myself. (Thomas) From how bang up you were when they had brought you back here. It had look like you didn't.

Maya, the outside world is way different from your home.

(Mika) He's not wrong there. Maya, as a strong woman. You not only need to know how to protect yourself but, you also need to be smart.

(Richard) listen to her, Maya she's. I'm sorry but what were your names again? I'm Yoshi Akasha and this is my sister Mika. We had met Maya earlier at the Mall today.

(Thomas with thinking look) Wait a second. Akasha? Yes. As in the Akasha clan. That Yakuza family from Japan.

(Maya) What are Yakuza's? They are a Japanese crime family. The Japanese version of a mob family. So, their criminals? No, we're not. Yes, we are Yakuza's. But we're not like other Yakuza's.

Our family has been working alongside the police department back in Tokyo to help deal with worse Yakuza families.

(Cora) So, like anti Yakuza's. That's right. We were out looking for Maya just so we could give this back to her. My necklace. So, it is yours. My grandmother had given this to me before I had left. You were both search for me just to return this.

Well, yes. You had drop it back at the mall with that fight that you had with those robbers. And by my grandmother's sword, If I wasn't in hot water with my father I was about to be with my mother once she had heard that. Maya. What is he talking about?

(Mary explaining to Athena) Maya had saved me and my mommy while we were all at the mall today from some bad men and she had then kicked all of their butts and had sent them packing. Oh, I see. Is there anything else that I need to know? My mother had asked as she was staring at me with an angry look. And Richard had told her. Well, some of the people in that mall did also record her and it did go viral. So, now.

There is a video of Maya out there beating up three robbers. Which, might be how that guy must have known about her and why he had attack her. Maya. What were you thinking. I was just trying to help. They had a weapon on Mary. I had to do something. I couldn't just sit there and do something. No that is what you should have done.

Your father and I wanted you to come to outside world so that you did have to always be a warrior. But I am. And you, grandmother and Sensei had always told me that an amazon warrior always protect and that is what I did. I was keeping my family safe. That is what a warrior dose. But you are not a warrior. Okay. You're not. You're not a warrior or a protector. You're just a girl. My daughter.

I had already felt hurt from the fight but, what my mother had just shouted at me had hurt way more. I was taught not to cry but after what I had just heard, all I c could say was. Can everyone pleas leave. I just want to sleep. Maya. (Thomas stopping her from speaking) A. Come on. I think that she needs some rest. My father, Mother, Richard. Along with his wife Cora and daughter had all left me.

But before Yoshi and Mika could have left I had to at least tell them. Um, thank you to the both of you for not only bringing this back to me but also, thank you for the help. Sure. Anytime. but to tell you the truth. I think that the reason why my brother had really wanted to give you that back was because I think that you may have stolen his heart.

(Maya confused) I did what? (Yoshi) Mika. I think my brother might have feels for you. Okay, sis. how about you go and wait at the car and I will be out soon. Okay. make sure that you give her a kiss to make her feel better. Bye, Mike. Mika had giggle for teasing her brother. leaving me and him alone.

(Yoshi) I'm sorry about that. It is alright. I have a lot of sisters back home so think I know what that is like. But did you really bring this back to me only because you have feelings for me? um, actually I just wanted to return that only because you did drop it and I would not be able to sleep until I had return it.

My grandfather had taught the both of us to always do the right thing so, I had to bring it back. So, you don't like me? I didn't say that. So, you do? Now I didn't say that either. But while he was talking he had accidentally put his hand on my mines and when are hands had touch, I don't know how to explain it but it had felt like there might be something starting.

The both of us had blush red of embarrassment and we had both pulled our hands away. Um, sorry about that. That is alright. Um, I'm just gonna go and let you get some rest. Thank you. And not just for bringing me here. But also for saving me. Well, guess the next time or when I get into trouble. It will be your turn to save me.

I promise. By the way, how did you know that I had family here? Um, we have our ways. Rest up Maya. I will. Yoshi had told me goodbye and had walk back outside where he saw his sister just standing out at their car and smiling. What? You sure took your time. Don't start sis. It Looks like my brother might have a girlfriend in his future.

Keep it up sis. Because I promise you this. the day when your twin flame finally returns, I'll make sure to do the something to you. Oh, is that so? Mika said as her fangs had appear and her eyes had turn bloodshot red. And Yoshi had replied as his eyes had turn supernatural yellow and two small little tornados had suddenly appeared in both of his hands.

Oh, that is a promise. (Mr. Kira) Ok, you two break it up. Mika stop teasing your brother. And Yoshi if you like her then it is okay. But if you do end up dating her then you had better let her know that you are a vampire. Only if I do start to date her. Now let's get out of here.

The three of them had all got back into the black car and their driver had drove them off. but watching them like a bird of prey from a far was Hunter spying on them.

(Hunter) So, it would seemthat my prey might have found her mate. And it would seem that I have foundsome good bait.   

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt