Part 3: "Outing."

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"Cora had taken me and Mary to another strange place." It was called a mall. By the gods. "It looks like an indoor town." So where are we going?

(Cora) You'll see.

(Maya confused) "Sears?" It's a clothing store. (Cora) If you are going to live in the outside world. Then you are going to have to wear clothing that does not make you look like some sort of gladiator.

So, where do we start? I'm glad you ask? For most of the day, Cora had me try on many different types of outfits. From some that were colorful.

To cute. To boots, and things that I could fight in, or tell any boys. Not to mess with me.

(Maya) I am already skilled in many kinds of hand to hand combat. Do I really need an outfit that shall scream it too?

(Mary) You have too. Mommy says that boys are only after one thing. What is that? I don't know. Mommy or daddy will not tell me. Not until your older.

As old as Maya mommy? Well, Maya how old are you? My mother says that I am 15. Oh. Then, yes. When you are Maya's age.

Very soon after three more outfit changes. We had left the store. Cora had only three bags. While I was carrying five of them. I cannot complain. I have superhuman straight.

But I was still confused. Are you sure that I need this much clothing? Absolutely. As a young woman. You will need clothing for every day. After all. "Shopping is a girl's best friend."

And speaking of which. Your next Mary. But, why? Because picture day is coming up. And your father and I, would like to have a cute picture of you to hang on the wall.

What is this picture day, of which you speak off? (Mary) It is an awful day. Where mommy's and daddy's, make you dress in clothes. As a camera steals your life force.

(Maya in shock) Really? No, not really. It is just a day where kids take pictures with their classes. So that mothers and fathers, can hang them in their homes.

So that they can remember their child's time at school. A lot of families do it. Manly to remember all of the wonderful memories that they have made together.

But in my daughter's case. I would like it if she can take a picture with a smile. What is wrong with her other pictures? Nothing. But on picture day.

Cora had shown me some of her daughter's old school pictures, I saw what she had meant. This is a picture day photo? It looks more like.

(Cora) Like a mug shot. A what? Never mind. But either way, this is why we are going shopping for you next. Oh, great Poseidon. More shopping?

(Cora) Don't worry Maya. You can sit this one. Just go and wait in the food court. Ah, yes. I shall wait in the court of food. And what is that. Cora had point over across from the store.

And there is was. Oh, I see. Right, I shall wait for you there. I walk over to it and this place was even more confusing. But it did smell very tasty.

But out of all of the booths, the one that I had stop at was the one called. The king of burgers. And I had ordered a thing called a "double whopper?"

Here you go. And here is your payment, my good sir. Um, is this real gold? Why, yes, it is. Spend it well. Um, thank you? As I walked away. The man had, inspect the cone more.

And could see that the cone was an ancient cone over three hundred years old. This is real. The man had pulled out his phone and called someone.

Hey, hunter. You are not going to believe this. I had sat down at a table and was trying to figure out. (Maya) How do you eat these things?

(Male Voice) First time eating a burger. I had look and there I saw a boy with spikey, black hair. Dress in some sort of green, samurai outfit.

With a girl with pink hair. Dress in some Sort, black and red, school uniform. Yes. Well, would you like some help? I had only token one look at them both.

And I don't know why but, I had a strong feeling that I could trust them. That and I had a strange feeling about the boy one. Please. Oh, I am Maya. Princess of the Amazons.

Nice. Well, I'm Mika Yamada and this is my brother. I'm Yoshi. Nice to meet you. As I was getting to know the both of them, what I didn't notice was three men wherrying black masks.

And they were heading for the store where Cora and Mary were in.

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt