Part 9: "The hunt continues."

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"After my talk with brother Richard, I went inside his home to help him identify the man who had attacked me the other night."

(Richard pulled out his laptop)

What is this strange device? It is called a laptop. And what does it do? Well for one thing. It helps me keep some files on some dangerous people that I have help the police force capture.

And what do you want me to do? Help identify the man who attack you. And how will this help us or me help you? Well, we have pictures of people who we have caught and people who we have not.

And judging from on how your friend and boyfriend had described him, I'm beating that he is on the ones who we haven't caught yet.

Let's get one thing straight right now. Yoshi is not my boyfriend. He is a friend. Also what is a boyfriend?

(Cora enters the kitchen) A boyfriend is someone who you have romantic feelings for. Cora? I thought you were taking Mary to school. After yesterday, I thought that it would be a good idea for her to stay home.

Incase our mysteries I still decided to attack us to get to Maya. Well if he does. We will just send father and mother after him. Because when he does show up they're going to take him on not me like mother said I'm not a warrior.

Apprehending this man is a job you prefer you or my parents not for a little girl like me. Wow. Did it sound that hurtful when I said it?

To my surprise, my mother had return along with my father. Oh, I did not expect to see the both of you this morning. I am just helping Richard identify my assailant.

That is just it. Once he dose, he will. Um, what will happen once you have identify my assailant? Well, I was going to gather up some backup and then we would go and arrest this man.

But, I can ask you mom and dad for help. You might as well, their the heroes. Not me. Maya, there is something that I need to tell you.

(Richard) Um, Athena. Could you hold on a second. Okay, Maya. I'm ready for you. No can you described what this person had looked like?

He was African American. He had long hair. Dress like a hunter and had the skills to match. And he had the body, build, and strength like a lion.

Richard had type in the description I gave him and let the computer sort through known and unknown list of suspects that would match that description.

There. The description is running through the police data banks and once we have a match my computer here will let us know.

(Cora) That's good to hear. In the meantime, Maya I believe your mother has something she wants to say to you. I had let out a low sigh and had said to her.

Okay, mother. You have my undivided attention now. Maya, I am so sorry about what I said to you. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. Or destroy your confidence.

I just wanted you to have the chance at a life where you didn't always have to willed a sword, a shield, or prepare for battle. You deserve to have your own life. And not just the way of the warrior.

Mother, I understand but. Nether you or grandmother had ask me what I wanted. I did want to learn on how to be a warrior. But you never ask if I wanted to come here. Or ask me what I want. And right now I'm trying to figure out.

(Richard) I got him. We all had look into Richard's computer screen and saw the image. That's him. That's the men. You sure? Yes. Shit. Hunter Jackson.

I had a feeling that it might be him. You could sense it? Actually, when you gave you description I had a feeling with him. Hunter Jackson, he is a wealthy man from Africa.

From the files that we have on him, he was incarcerated in a prison cell for half his whole life. But somehow he had escape, and has traveled the world

Hunting some of the most unique and rare creatures imaginable. Which in some of these places is illegal. That is what he told me. He also said that he had created a potion that would give him some of the abilities of large cats.

To make him a match for some of the animals that he hunted. (Cora) So, then why is he in the police database? It's because he has not only hunted animals.

But last year, Boston Zoo had a rare white tiger go missing and guess who the security cameras had caught stealing it. Richard had shown us the video and it had shown hunter not only hunting the tiger.

But killing it with his bare hands. Oh, my gods. That is the same reaction that most of the police force had said when they had watch this video.

(Thomas) So, he is wanted for mass animal slathering? Well, on how he had taken down that tiger with his own hands it is no wonder why he is a force to be reckoned with.

That's not the only reason. What do you mean. Keep on watching. As we all had kept watching we soon saw why else Hunter was so dangerous.

In the footage after Hunter had just killed the animal. One of the zookeeper's had caught him in the act. And like an animal on the prowl. Hunter had attack him and had shot him dead on sight.

That is the other reason on why he is in the database. He is not only wanted for hunting animals, but for also killing humans. That is another thing he told me.

He said that anyone who has gotten in the way of him and his prey. He has kill them and I am guessing like any hunter, he has mad them his trophies.

my department has tried for years to catch this guy lock them up the only damn problem is like any animal that he hunts he never stays in one place for too long once he spotted he moves somewhere else and stays hidden.

(Athena) Well, he's not hidden anymore. (Thomas) How long has it been since the last known sighting of him? The last known sighting of him was July of 2016. Since then, no one has seen him since then.

Until, now. Because he is after a new target. Me.

(Cora) But why you? Because, he said that he has always wanted to hunt an Amazon. He calls us the ultimate prize. And the reason why he did not go after mother is because, he was still lock up.

(Athena) And if he is willing to kill other people for his prey. Then he will not stop until he kills you Maya. And I have seen how well his skills are first hand. I was trained to battle and for with a sword.

But never had I imagine I would ever cross paths with someone like him. I might be out of my league with him. I can't face him again. What are you saying Maya?

We need a real warrior to fight this foe. (Cora) Then it's a good thing that we have three here already. You mean two. No, I mean three. Then you miss counted because, I'm not a warrior.

Mother, Father. Is there anyone else who you can call for help? Like any of the other archetype members. Well there are some other members but it would take them a while to get here.

The three of us are the only chance of finally getting this guy. Like I said you need a real warrior, I'm not a warrior. Maya. Before anyone could have said another word. We had heard a sound from the back door.

And we saw Mika and Mr. Kira banging on the door. Cora had went to let them in and as soon as they had came inside Mika was trying to talk but also trying to catch her breath.

So, my mother had told her to take a breath and calm down and then we had ask them. What, happened?

(Mika) "My brother and I were in our hotel room." Packing our bags, ready to head for home and then all of a sudden. That guy who you were fighting the other night.

He broke down the door and he attack us. (Mr. Kira) We would have fought back but he knock us out with some sort of gas. When we woke up he was gone.

(Maya) So, where's Yoshi? He took him. What?! He took my brother. We had search but all we had found was this. Mika handed me a note. On it said "To Amazon."

I had open it up and it said as read. Dear Amazon. I have your friend. He is alive, but not for long. If you wish for him to remain alive then come to George park at 8:00.

The hunt is not yet over. 

The Amazon By John Fritz. 10/9/2022Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora