Chapter 35

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Sorry about the sudden and kind of late up date... its 11 oclock at night and I just got home from work for 9 hours...
Deans eyes darted across your body, his jaw dropping before he burst into a gut wrenching laughter that caused him to bend over and grip the wall for support "That HAHA was not HA what I HAHA expected!" He laughed.
You frowned and stomped over to him, very angrily punching his shoulder which caused him to be forced to step back "DAMNIT DEAN! This is not the time for this!" You screamed, causing him to stifle his laughter and regain his composure.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled "But seeing the least girly person I know look like this is something I can't not laugh at!" You glared at him as Sam gave him the bitch face and suddenly became very protective of you.
"Dean, seriously shut up." He growled cautioningly.
Dean looked up at Sam with the 'what did I do' look before sighing "Sorry. So why the hell would a witch want to turn you into a babe?"
Again Sam became slightly protective and took a step closer to you, almost as if he was expecting Dean to attack you "Don't know. But whatever it is it's affecting Sam." You look at him, he returns a confused look.
"What do you mean affecting me? I'm fine." He turns to you.
You put your hands on your hips "Five seconds ago you were trying to screw me with no hesitation that your brother was just outside, nor the fact that I said no. And you are suddenly a lot more protective and stubborn which does not fit you at all. You know you have no reason to protect me from Dean so that would mean you feel jealous or something." Sam gave you a surprised look while Dean tried to hide his laughter.
"What? I didn't- No no no no, I am not being affected by a spell put on you. How would that even work? How come Dean isn't affected?" Sam questioned you.
You shrugged "Like hell if I know. Maybe cause you're my boyfriend."
Dean decided to jump in "Maybe it's because I surround myself with beautiful woman and so I'm used to this feeling?"
Sam ran his hands through his hair "Well we gotta figure this crap out." He sighed.
"Yea no kidding. I do not wanna be stuck like this for the rest if my life." You scoff.
Dean smirks "I don't completely mind it."
Both you and Sam galre at him and say simultaneously "Shut up Dean."
He throws his hands up in surrender "I give, I give. Let's see what we can find."
You nod as Dean walks away "I'm gonna need a pair of scissors and one of your plaid shirts." You say to Sam, earning a confused look. "Since none of my clothes are gonna fit I'm gonna have to compromise. You are the clothes supply right now. Oh and get a bandage wrap as well."
He nods and goes to get you a shirt while you look for some scissors. After almost an hour, you exit the bathroom and present yourself in probably the most revealing outfit you have ever worn besides a swimsuit. The lower half of Sam's plaid shirt was tied so it showed the abdomen of a very stretchy tank top you were lucky to have. Your jeans were cut into shorts, and your boots were laced to the top with a bow. You looked like a model dressed like a city version of a cowgirl.
"Alright, now that clothes are figured out, what do you think we got?" You ask, walking over to the table.
Sam and Dean are sitting next to each other, the laptop placed in the middle of the table. Standing between them, you leaned over to get a better look at the screen, the boys eyes drawn to your chest and turned back to the screen.
Sam cleared his throat "Well we know this spell affected you and is supposed to have some affect on those around you. It ended up transforming you, that part we don't understand. We also know the one who cast the spell talked aout seven of something, and that another victim was known as greed." Sam answers, turning to look at you, his eyes drawn directly to your face, not faultering for a second.
"So what is it then?" You ask, looking back at the screen.
Suddenly the sound of fluttering wings resounded from behind you "The seven deadly sins."
The outfit is kinda hard to explain. Basicly what I meant in there was that she has his plaid shirt on, but in stead of buttoning it, she took the bottom half that covers your stomach and tied it in a knot to keep the shirt closed. The bandages were for a makeshift bra btw.

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