Episode 10 Part 1

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"Haha! We did it!" The boys screamed out.

"How do they like that! Huh!"

Katyusha was on the ground, bawling and crying her lungs out.

"Sorry kid, better luck next year" Carm said to her


"You owe me ten bucks!" One of the visitors inside of the drone control bunker said as he looked at the image the drone showed.

"That's enough laying around! Go to your stations!" Colonel Beckmann snapped

The "Visitors" returned to their stations

"Nice job kid...." He thought to himself

"Looks like the Army's investment was worth it..." Master Sergeant Uteger said

" so it was"


Yukari watched from a distance as the boys celebrated

"We did it, we won!" A girl yelled over the radio

"I can't BELEVE that actually worked!"

"How did they do it??.."

"Are boys a good luck charm?"

The student council was bewildered, but still happy that they ended up winning.

But to say the least, it didn't feel like a team effort.


"They only won because Pravda was off guard." Shiho said

Maho looked on in confusion

The sheer skill one must have in the art of Sensha-Do to do that to Pravda was completely mind-boggling.

The sheer guts one must have to use their own team as bait, including their flag tank

Maybe Pravda was taken horribly off-guard by how un tank like their vehicle was

According to them.....

Maho continued to contemplate....

Her mother noticed the slightly uncomfortable look on her face as recovery vehicles were dispatched to clear up the destroyed ruins of Pravda's vehicles.

"That is not real Sensha-dō." Shiho said

"In the finals, you will show them how a true warrior fights." Shiho said

Maho's breathing quickened for two short breaths.

Before calming down

"You will show them how one truly plays this sport...."

"Yes, Mother, for the honor of the Nishizumi name I will crush them, and wipe the stain off the sport!" She used her own speech to drown out her lack of confidence

Mostly Girls, und Panzer (Male Reader OC x Girls und Panzer)Where stories live. Discover now