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"Do you know who I am?" He asked her.

"No, I don't." Eilith truly had no Idea. "Who are you then..?"

His voice didn't sound evil rather, without emotion. He didn't answer anymore though.

This was going to be quite something, a bit like when she had found Galadriel but than again very different, him being male and a prisoner of some sort, her prisoner actually. This concept was weird to her, because it didn't agree with her nature at all. Really all she felt towards him was probably compassion. But Eilith knew she had to trust Galadriel. If this Elf in front of her was indeed a murderer, many times over even, than it was essential that he stayed in custody.

Suddenly Eilith noticed how tired she was. No wonder it was still night-time and all the excitement had been invigorating but also tiring. He'd leaned back now, resting his head against the beam and his eyes were closed. She doubted he was asleep though. For a few minutes longer she whiled, than she decided to go to bed. Before she did, she got her staff and cast a binding spell on him. It was better to be safe than sorry.

It took some time before she fell asleep. The unusual presence as well as his wheezy breathing that was undoubtedly present, were new and strange and she also needed to calm down after all of this commotion.

It was midmorning when she woke. As soon as the events of the night came back to her, she was right awake. The smell was the first thing that made her realise that it hadn't all been a dream, it wasn't overpowering but it was different to the usual. Hastily she got up, got dressed real fast, so she could go and take a look. There was excitement inside of her, to her it felt almost as if she had embarked on an adventure.

There he was. He was awake, looking at her with a blank expression. Should she say good morning? It seemed peony, not at all suitable. She came to stand in front of him. How would she go about this?

Than she decided to go about her normal routine for now but soon realised this was also not that easy. He was watching her first of all, every move she did, so it seemed. This was certainly a little unnerving.
She always had some water first thing in the morning, because it was good for her body. What about him, he needed to drink and eat too?

So after she had her share, she filled another cup with water and went over to him. She kneeled down in front of him.

"You will have to drink, " she said.
Putting the cup to his lips. He moved his head away.

"I don't need your pity," he said glaring at her but even now he displayed very little emotion. This was probably humiliating for him, maybe she needed to give him some time. Hopefully she wouldn't need to force him.

Being that much closer to him and in the light of the day she noticed how ragged he really was. He was also covered in what seemed a layer of ashes. Galadriel and that boy had also been covered. Had there been a fire? She wished again that Galadriel would have stayed just a little longer so Eilith could have ask some of the questions, she really would have liked to have answered. Supposedly she could ask him but, would he answer? Maybe here too, she needed to give him time. His clothes had holes and his armour was broken in places, his hair matted. Who was he and in what conditions had he been living? She would try her best to bring some 'light' into his world, as far as that was possible with him having to be her prisoner. The meaning of Eilith was 'light' and she had always tried to live up to that, even with Gil-Galad. He hadn't always been her enemy. They had been friends for a very long time before and even now, all though she was practically his prisoner, she tried to be kind to him.

"I'm going out to gather some wood and other essentials," she informed her strange guest. He didn't answer. She didn't really have to gather anything but she felt like she needed to get out and clear her mind a bit also, perhaps to get away from his ever watchful eyes. What was going on in his head??? She wondered.

As soon as she stepped outside she understood where the ashes had come from. Everywhere she looked was a fine layer of ashes. She lived relatively close to the Volcano and had enjoyed having some hot springs in her very own garden. Never had she really thought about it what would happen if it ever erupted. This had actually come to pass now and in the distance she could see nothing but grey. Billowing clouds of dust, smoke and whatever else it was. Above, where she stood, the sky was relatively clear, thankfully. She send up a prayer to ask for protection for Galadriel and that the boys mother was alive and well and for all the poor souls involved in the immediate impact area.

A little subdued she went to gather berries. Whilst she was busy with that she made a plan. She would cook something very tasty, that would also have a strong aromatic smell. She hoped to coax the elf into eating this way and drinking whilst at it.

After she would also clean him up and fix up a possibility for him to relieve himself.

Back at the house she stated: "The volcano erupted!"

"Yes," he actually seemed happy about this. "This will help my children." What did he mean? He had children?

"You have children?" She asked him a little incredulously.

"Many!" He answered and there was a new gentleness in his voice.

It was an interesting new fact, in a way puzzling though. Thoughtfully she went to cook. Gil-Galad had been only a day ago, this meant she had meat available and that he wouldn't come to see her for a while. She had never been able to kill any animals herself but when Gil-Galad brought some along she would eat it because than it was a matter of honouring the animals involuntary sacrifice. She had tried to convince him that he didn't need to bring any meat but he'd insist, declaring that it was necessary for her health. It was pointless arguing with him. Now it would come in handy, most men liked meat.

After the meal was prepared she dished herself a plate and sat herself in front of the elf. She started to eat. He watched her.

"There is enough for you too," she said, "you just need to let me help you to eat it."

She paused for a moment and than she decided to just be honest with him. "For your information, I don't take pleasure in having to keep you in this way. I myself am in a way a prisoner and it pains me to treat you in a similar way. If indeed you are dangerous to the Innocent, I am bound to my duty of care to such as these though. I am in no way fit to judge you, for we are all sinners but such behaviour can not be. One could argue that I don't know you and in that sense, How do I know you are a murderer..? I trust Galadriel! She is a very dear friend to me and we have spend enough time together that I know her to be true in this. So, it will have to be this way. Which doesn't mean though that I want you to suffer more than it is necessary and I would really like to share my food AND drink with you!"

For a while he starred at her, it was intimidating but she held his gaze, she wanted him to see that she meant it!

Than she got up, got a plate of food and a cup of water. Again they looked at each other. She lifted the cup to his lips.

"Please," she pleaded, sincerely hoping he would no longer refuse. She was really close to him now and now she saw something in his eyes. A deep deep sadness and hurt. "Please." she asked again, almost whispering. And than, he drank.

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Where stories live. Discover now