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This time, Eilith only used a little light, knowing that there could quite possibly be a dragon sleeping somewhere in these halls. Deeper and deeper they made their way into the mountain, marking the way as they went. Eilith expected it to get colder, the further they got but the temperature stayed pleasant and there was also a sufficient air supply. All of which was ideal for an underground city. 

Some of the surrounding was magnificent. There were big clusters of stalagmites and stalactites, all of which were fascinating to look at. Beautiful clear water pools and even clusters of what looked like crystals and other gems. These would be ideal for trading. Eilith had to remind herself to not get to carried away. After all, they might not be able to use this underworld because there was yet the issue of the dragon to be dealt with. They hadn't talk much only whispered some, whilst Adar had been leading, using Eilith's staff. She knew that he wanted to protect her, which was most endearing but she too would have liked to protect him. She knew if it came to it, that she would offer her life for his. 

 After they had been wandering through the tunnels and halls, for what seemed like forever, they eventually came to the biggest hall yet. This could quite possibly be the dragons den.

 It was common knowledge that dragons could sleep for centuries and didn't really like to be woken up. Once they were awake, they would angrily roam their surroundings and feed until they calmed down and went back to sleep. So now, they tread even lighter than before, really scanning the surface and into every corner.

 And than, the mighty dragon was found. Majestically he lay curled up, beautiful, shimmering red and green and golden. Every scale placed perfectly, as if he was a perfect peace of art, created to be marvelled at. Killing this beautiful creature seemed a crime. Was it really the only way? If only the orcs and the dragon could exist alongside but this was likely not to work? The orcs were a noisy bunch and the dragon would probably not have it. How could he possibly sleep with them around?  But, was it right to kill one creature to make room for others? There was so much room in this mountain, maybe it was possible somehow to come to an agreement with the dragon. Eilith suggested this to Adar, he stared at her unbelieving. 

"Sometimes I really think you live in another world, I can't think of any other, that would suggest to be friendly towards a dragon." 
Eilith felt a little offended at first, Adar seemed to suggest that she was a little out of her mind. Supposedly he spoke from the point of his life experience and she? She spoke from a point of next to no experience actually but, as long as it hadn't been tried, there was no reason to say it couldn't be done!

So without further ado she called out. "Oh mighty dragon, we come in peace and want to speak with you about important matters." Her voice seemed so very loud,

The dragon came alive.. he basically unfolded himself, revealing how gigantic he really was. It was really unnerving. 

"What have you done?" Adar asked her incredulously, coming to stand in front of her. Eilith realised in that moment, that if the need must be, Adar would offer his live for her too. Oh, how she loved him! 

The dragon, got up stretched and groaned, who knows how long he had been asleep this time. Maybe Adar had planned to kill this creature whilst still asleep but to Eilith that was completely wrong and Adar had said himself, that he was done with killing. So something had to happen, why not try to reason with the dragon? After all, it is not only said that they are dangerous but also that they are incredibly intelligent as well.

It was clear that the dragon was now fully alert.

"Who dared to wake me," his voice bellowed through the cave.

Eilith would try to reason with him but just to be safer she called out to Adar: "Adar, my staff!"

There was a chance that the dragon was angry and thus dangerous, so in order to protect Adar, Eilith run out from behind him and towards the dragon.

"My name is Eilith and I have woken you to ask for your help."

The dragon scooped her up into one of his claws, lifting her closer to his face. His grip was uncomfortably tight. His eyes shone like lava in the semi-dark of the cave.

Eilith heard Adar call out her name in desperation. Hopefully he wouldn't try to do some heroic move. Eilith still had her staff in her hand and as she watched the dragon prepare himself to breath fire she felt a spell coming. The spell was released at the same moment, she was engulfed in fire. The pain was excruciating and her conscience could only bare it for a few moments than she past out, she welcomed the black oblivion.

Eilith awoke in a comfortable beautiful carved bed, surrounded by elegance and utter cleanliness. The sun was shining in through the open windows and everything seemed so bright.
Her body felt a little strange, there was an uncomfortable tingling sensation all over but thankfully no actual pain. Most of her was wrapped up in linen cloth.

Where was she and most importantly where was Adar! Was he well? She wanted to get up but her body was too weak. Just than the door opened and Adar came in, he seemed unharmed and was groomed and elegantly dressed.

"Eilith, " he hurried to her side. "Oh Eilith you have woken up. How are you, my love?" He seemed very concerned. She assured him, that she was not to bad, just a little weak.

"Oh Eilith," he seemed relieved, " I don't know if you are a very foolish or a very brave elf, certainly different to any I have ever known. This time though you barely survived! You scared me to death!" His concern was making her feel all fuzzy inside.

"What happened to the dragon, "Eilith wanted to know. She could remember the spell leaving her but couldn't remember which effect it had.

Adar chuckled a little. "Wait here," he said, " I will show you."

With that he left the room and returned a while later with a metal box in his hands. And there on the bottom of the box lay the dragon. He was no bigger than her lower arm. She starred at it. Ingenious, she thought, her subconsciousness must have come up with this idea. She had reacted instinctively. 

 It had all gone well, the dragon didn't get killed but he was no longer a thread either and the mountain was free to become the new home of the orcs. As a matter of fact, the dragon was sleeping again, still looking beautiful and majestic but very peaceful. She did realise though, that she had barely escape with her life! This time she had maybe gone a little to far? But than again, it felt to her that, whenever she choose to be good, things worked out somehow.

"The dragon was still trying to be fearsome after he had shrunk, tried to further attack you but it was easy for me to catch him. After I had detained him, I turned to you until than I hadn't realised how bad you were injured and for a while I thought I would loose you. I took Raghnall and rote with you all the way here, so you could get the medical attention you needed and thank goodness they have done wonders. According to the doctor you are almost completely healed." He leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. "I nearly lost you, órë." He still looked a little concerned.

"Where exactly are we than?" Eilith was curious.

"We are in Lindon. Gil-Galad was kind enough take us in and he has seen to it, that you had the best medical treatment that was there to have." Adar answered her.

She was in Lindon, at the Palace? Her feelings about Gil-Galad were still rather mixed but supposedly this, 'taking care of her and Adar' had been a selfless act. Maybe things between the three of them could work out well.

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Where stories live. Discover now