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The woman took Eilith back into the room where she had woken. She gave Eilith her clothing back, cleaned and some fresh undergarments. Than she pointed to one of the desks, there stood a washing bowl.

"Over there you will find some water. When you're ready, come for a good hearty meal!" After these words she left.

Eilith was grateful for clean clothing and the possibility to wash up. The woman had even provided her with soap. One of the things she seemed to use the Lavender for.
After Eilith was dressed she was tempted to jump out of the window and run, because every minute she stayed longer, took Adar further away from her. It would have been rude though and anyways, she had had an idea. She had plenty of valuables along, jewels mostly, all a gift von Gil-Galad, hidden away in a secret pocket of her bag. They had always been of no use really except for looking beautiful but now, she was glad she had them. If it was possible, she would try to trade for a horse, that way she'd be much faster. As a child she had learned to ride and later she used to ride with the Royal youth, being born a royal herself. Gil-Galad, her distant relative and so on... suddenly something occurred to her, if Gil-Galad and Adar had been friends as children maybe she had met him before? She tried to remember. If either Adar or Gil-Galad had been there right now, she could have asked them. She remembered that there had been quite a stir when a few boys had gone missing. A few wag images came back to her now. If only she knew Adar's actual name. She had actually known some of Gil-Galads friends that had disappeared. What if Adar had been the boy with the intensive eyes!!! She had a strong image of those eyes now. She couldn't forget that look for a very long time! That would be quite something.

It would be rude to let them wait any longer. Renewed, at least physically, Eilith entered the great living room again. She was asked to sit down and than the woman who introduced herself now as Bronwyn, served her a nice large  bowl full of stew. Eilith was actually really hungry, especially for a cooked meal. Maybe this had been very apparent because once she had finished, her bowl got filled up a second time. She felt her strength returning.

The male elf, who had introduced himself as Arondir, spoke up now.

"Excuse my judging from earlier on," he said. "It wasn't right of Galadriel to entrust the elf whom some of the orcs call 'Adar' into your custody, he is sly and cunning, as well as ruthless."

Eilith felt bothered by his words for his low opinion about her and the way he spoke about Adar.  "No, Galadriel knew what she was doing. I am Eilith daughter of Erimĕ of Valinor and of Alatar the blue. My spells can surely hold an elf. But, alas he got away.. I am however on my way to see to it that justice is done." With that she meant justice but in a different way. She didn't need to explain. Justice as Arondir would probably like to see, would only cause more pain and suffering. Her kind of justice, was fulfilled by mercy. She believed, that only that way the circle of hatred could be broken.

Arondir's look was sceptical.

Eilith's staff and bag had been next to her bed as she awoke. She had brought them into the room with her. Now she took her staff and her cloak. Her cloak was still able to make her invisible, so just to confirm that she had indeed magical abilities, she threw over her cloak and than she took her staff and cast the binding spell onto Arondir and Bronwyn.

Satisfied she took of her cloak of but left them just a little longer in the spell. Than she freed them.

"Forgive me," Arondir had learned to respect her. "How did Adar manage to get away then?"

Wouldn't you just like to know? Eilith though, "I do not wish to speak about it!" She answered.

They seemed to respect her answer, they possibly thought she was ashamed of it.

Arondir informed her that he knew of the direction where Sauron was said to gather an army. He was sure Adar was heading that way. These were good news, surely now she would be able to find Adar.

She was even able to obtain a horse, unfortunately it was a sturdy shire horse because the people in the small village had only horses that could help them with the work on the land and similar. This meant that she wouldn't be able to ride very fast, but it would still be a lot faster than walking. At least the horses would be durable. She formed an immediate bond with the horse. He felt warm and kind. It would be nice to have the company as well. She named him Raghnall, 'Strong'. Eilith also brought enough food to last her and Raghnall quite a while and some more clothes. Now that she didn't need to stay hidden, she would be able to make a fire in the evening and prepare herself a warm meal. Traveling with Raghnall meant, that she could take more luggage along.

Arondir showed her the direction she needed to go and even gifted her with a map. Than he and Bronwyn waved her off. On her way she rode past the boy Theo. He was sitting in a field full of wildflowers holding a girl in his arms, who was probably the same age as he. It looked to idyllic. He waved at her. Eilith waved back, they looked so happy. It reminded her of happy moments with Adar. So few, so little time had been given to them.


They were close to camp now. Soon he would be reunited with the rest of his children. Than, he would be back to being active during the night. He had been used to living in the dark of the  night. It had been the only way his children could live since the sun burnt them. Never would they be able to live during the day. This had been another significant change he had experienced while living with Eilith. He had lived in the light, felt the sun on his skin and saw the amazing display of colours that one could not distinguish during the night. At first it had been almost too bright for him but later he had realised how much he missed the day and the warmth of the sun. Those of his children, that had been searching for him had been wearing the protective clothing Adar had designed for them. There weren't enough of them to protect each one of them though. Adar had been glad that he had been given a little bit more time to live in the light during their Journey. He would willingly accept going back to the night though. He would do it for his children. One day though, he would return to Eilith, to that little place were he would live with her in the light. This unfortunately could only be once Sauron was vanquished! As long as there was evil such as Sauron or Morgoth, they would seek to use his children for their evil doings. Sending them into battles that could only be won because there was such a vast amount of disposable soldiers. They didn't know how to fight well, had never learned proper Sword Fighting. Adar had tried to teach them to be more skilful but only a few showed a little skill. The rest was to dim-witted. He would have liked it to be otherwise but it was the truth. He had to protect them! Than there was still the issue that they had no proper home. If only he could find them a home where they could live in peace and without fear of the sun.

He had been moving his waking time further and further into the night now, so that when they finally arrived he could last through the night. It was good to be united with the rest of his children, they were so happy to see him. Shouting and lamenting, they all wanted to touch him. All through the night they celebrated.

They would stay here for a few days still and prepare to move on, to join Sauron. Now that he was reunited with his children, he realised how vulnerable they really where, completely gullible! Maybe it was wiser to face Sauron alone? But than he would maybe figure out that Adar had different plans? He would used the next two days to ponder upon this and than hopefully decide wisely.

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Where stories live. Discover now