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That day the whole army slept covered only by the tents tarpaulins and in there full armour. This way they could quickly defend themselves should there be a surprise attack. Thankfully it wasn't a very hot day and it didn't rain either.

As soon as the sun set they were marching and just before midnight, they arrived in the plains of Eriador. Here they were met by the defending army.
There were elves, Adar recognised the banner of Lindon immediately, the other he thought to be Rivendell. Gil-Galad was likely to be amongst his soldiers or would he hide, run of again?
There were a dwarf army too, and men, many of them, marching under all sorts of banners. Middle earth had come together to defend each other.
Adar had actually stopped identifying himself with elves a long time ago, he had seen himself as an Uruk, they were his kind now... until he'd met Eilith. Since than, he'd come to see himself as both. Would he really have to march against his own kind?

Although Sauron's army was far greater, Adar knew they were equally matched. All those elves had gone through a lot of training. They were skilful and clever. Dwarfs were equally skilled and extremely durable and men, they were somehow in-between.

Sauron had placed the orcs in front. Adar knew why, at least he thought so, he had learned a thing or two about warfare himself. The orcs were still the fastest amongst the creatures of Sauron's army, they would be able to reach the archers, of the opponent army, with only some of them falling in the shower of arrows that was sure to come. It would still be a great many of them dying out there but for Sauron it was only a few. The trolls were slower but stronger, Sauron would likely send them in next. One troll could take out quite a few of the opposition at once. Adar could hardly bare to see his children there in front, mixed with those of Lethauri's and with Eowyn's and Thalin's and of the others. Those Uruks were now relying solely on Sauron, now that their fathers had passed. He looked at their eager faces. They didn't realise that they might get hurt or killed, they had no idea what was going to happen to them. Was there really no way he could stop all of this? All the time Adar had waited for an opportunity but still, there had not been any.. of course he could have tried, could have launched himself at Sauron but if he ended up dead or injured he couldn't protect his children at all. So for now he would ride with them and try to defend as many as he could.

Sauron blew his horn and with an howling and shouting, that echoed through the night the army moved out. The war had begun!
Adar knew it would be next to impossible to not kill in all of this but he would try only to stun, he didn't want to be a killer anymore.
As they neared the first lines of elves, he prepared himself for the oncoming shower of arrows. He could also just parish in this, he suddenly though. He didn't mind dying, not for his own sake but he wanted to protect his children and really he wanted to still have his happy ever after! Eilith! He would focus on that and stay alive!

And than came the arrows.. but whilst they were still souring through the sky, a bright light appeared on one of the hills surrounding the area. A light so bright, it was impossible not to look at it. And than, a majestic voice could be heard, drowning out all other noises however loud they were.


It was as if a huge invisible wave washed over the entire battlefield. Just before it hit Adar he could make out a figure on that hill, a light being holding a staff into the air. A wizard? He thought.. but than he realised, that figure on the hill was no wizard, something similar though, it was Eilith!!!
He couldn't marvel at this any longer though because the wave of an invisible force had reached him. He was tossed into the air toppled about a little and than slammed back down to the ground. For a moment he was to stunt to move.

Than he saw he had landed right next to Sauron. And suddenly he knew, this was the moment he had been waited for. His own sword must have gotten lost in the wave but Saurons sword was right there. Sauron was beginning to stir when Adar drove the sword dep into his chest. Adar had intended to hit the heart but Sauron had moved and the sword went into his chest rather than into his heart. But, it should have still been a fatal wound. Alas, there was no blood and worse still Sauron rose to his feed seemingly unharmed.

"I thought I detected a change in you," Sauron's voice was dangerous. "Something happened to you that brought your spirit back! But, I can not have traitors," he continued. He pulled out the sword stuck in his chest and to Adar's utter surprise there was still no blood. Sauron lifted his sword and struck. But Adar never felt the the sword, Lethauri had appeared out of the blue and took the blow. His armour protected him a little but than the sword blade cut through. The wound was fatal but with a last act of his will, he leaned forward and cut of one of Sauron's fingers. A small golden ring rolled of in to the rubble but nobody saw it. Sauron howled beastly and than he started to change.

But Adar didn't see it, he was bei Lethauri's side took him into his arms: "You're going to be fine, Lethauri. We are free now, you and I and our children" Adar knew that Lethauri was fading away, tears running down his cheeks he tried to reassure Lethauri as well as himself.
Lethauri wanted to say something but his voice was so faint that Adar had to come closer to his face.

"Thank you Merlion, for your friendship, because of you I can go now knowing, that I was loved."
Hearing Lethauri say his real name, Adar knew that Lethauri was leaving this world.

And than Lethauri said something that touched Adar even more deeply, though he didn't quite understand why, a deep longing was attached to this.

"I have asked for forgiveness and it has been granted to me, don't wait... " With that he went quiet. His face looked so peaceful now Adar even saw a faint smile. Than Lethauri past away. Adar closed his eyes, cradling Lethauri's body in his arms. He wasn't ready to let go yet, he needed a few minutes before he could face reality.

And than he heard a familiar voice, full of compassion and kindness. That voice belonged to the one person who could take away the edge of the pain, the terrible loss he felt.


He looked up at her. Now she was just Eilith again, kind and sweet, her expression concerned, full of love. Adar got up, than he lifted Lethauri up in his arms.

" He shall have a burial fit for a honourable warrior," he proclaimed. Lethauri had been lost, just as I had been but in the end he had come back and saved this world from evil!" He stopped in front of Eilith.

"Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn." (A star shines over our meeting.) Oh, how he loved her.

She nodded and he could see in her eyes that her love for him was equally strong. For a moment he whiled in those eyes, it was the one place he felt home.

Only now he payed attention to what was happening around him. Sauron had changed, he was no longer a mighty dark figure, he was now a man dying, a human. It was the man who had captured him just before the Volcano had erupted. Adar couldn't believe it, it made no sense! Galadriel was by his side, apparently comforting Sauron as he was passing away. All of this was peculiar. maybe later he would be able to understand all of this.

His children had gathered close by, together with Lethauri's children and all the others. Adar realised that he was the father of all of them now and he would take care of them, for the sake of his friends who had endured much and who had now gone. Everyone of them except Adar. Adar felt the loneliness of this but he was not alone he had Eilith! There was hope and there was a future!

Broken soul. (A fanfic starring Adar from the 'rings of power')Where stories live. Discover now