Chapter 5 Firewall

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(old building in the outskirts of Gotham)

Zack was quiet as Skyler was trying to figure out how did blue beetle and red bolt found them but Zack said something to her.

Zack: do you think that maybe Nathan give you up though.

Skyler: what no why he would do that?

Zack: maybe we need to find out then...

Skyler: okay let's go back to Gotham city then.

Zack nodded his head at Skyler as the pair left the building as they head outside they saw Bobby standing there looking at the both of them...

Skyler: what are you doing here Bobby?

Bobby: I went out to look for you but you didn't answer your phone though.

Skyler: right my bad Bobby let's get out of here did you drive here?

Bobby: yeah I did Skyler what is going on?

Skyler: I will tell you in the car let's get going.

The trio went into Bobby car as he started driving towards Gotham city, Bobby looks at Skyler waiting for her to explain what is going on so she did.

Skyler: I'm looking for Nora Bobby?

Bobby: why are you looking for Nora Skyler you don't need too though...

Skyler: look can you trust me on this can you take me and my partner to the iceberg lounge?

Bobby looks at Hearse then back at Skyler and said.

Bobby: okay fine but still you wanted information do you about Nora?

Skyler: wait I thought you didn't want to help me at all.

Bobby: look I text you the information on your phone Sky okay.

Skyler nodded to him as hearse was looking at the both of them as he was quiet about it.

Then Bobby made it to the iceberg lounge so hearse and Skyler got out of the car as Bobby stop Skyler and said.

Bobby: just be careful Skyler I don't like the feeling of this place...

Skyler: I know Bobby I got hearse with me I'm good...

Bobby: just call me after this okay.

Skyler: you know I will Bobby...

Bobby nodded his head as he drove away from the pair as Skyler looks at Zack and said.

Skyler: let's get inside partner.

Zack nodded his head as the pair walked inside as they heard loud music playing at that moment then Zack saw Nathan as he was talking to Emma, he was about to walk over there but Skyler stopped her partner looking at him telling Zack not now...

Then Nathan walked over to the pair looks at Skyler and said.

Nathan: well Skyler is good to see you again...

Skyler: we need to talk Nathan.

Nathan: okay umm who is this next to you?

Skyler: my partner Nathan can we talk.

Nathan: okay sure follow me to my office then.

The pair followed Nathan but right before Zack walked into the room he saw Emma standing there with a drink in her hand, so he went in the office to see Nathan and Skyler talking to each other.

Nathan: so what do you want to talk about Skyler.

Skyler: I run into blue beetle and red bolt tonight I was wondering if you told them where I was?

Nathan: why would I do that but blue beetle did visit me two hours ago though...

Skyler: why did you do that for!

Nathan: look I didn't know okay I thought you were friends with her she was wondering where you were so I told her...

Skyler: ...

Skyler left the office as Nathan was trying to call for her but Zack followed Skyler out of the iceberg lounge.

Zack found her right by the water as he walked over to her, she looks at him and said.

Skyler: I'm sorry I didn't know Nathan was going to do that...

Zack: it's okay Skyler you didn't know.

Skyler: let's get back to the apartment okay.

Zack and Skyler head back to the apartment after a long night they were tried.

Hello everyone I hope you like this one so Skyler found out that Nathan told blue beetle where she was but anyway see you all in the next one.

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