Chapter 8 The Outsider

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The trio looked for Nora for a while now but they couldn't find her at all, so Josie looks at the pair and said to them.

Josie: so we tried to find your friend but she isn't around though...

Skyler: we got to find her though Josie the blackhand is looking for her as well.

Josie looks at hearse as they been quiet for the whole time they been looking for Nora as she looks back at Skyler and said.

Josie: well I got one place that she could be at but I don't think you two would like it...

Skyler: what is it Josie anything can help us at this point in time?

Josie: we need to go to Nanda Parbat Skyler...

Skyler: oh hell no I won't go back there again no way!

Josie: we have no choice here skyler we have to go...

Hearse looks up at the pair as they were arguing to each other, then they put their hand on Skyler shoulder as she looks at hearse as skyler calms down.

Skyler looks at Josie and said.

Skyler: fine me and my partner will go to Nanda Parbat with you Josie.

Josie: good let me call a helicopter for us then...

Skyler looks at hearse angry at them for letting this happen but hearse looks back at her nodded their head at Skyler...

She sighs to herself as skyler walked towards Josie as hearse followed closely behind her...

Five hours later

The trio were in the helicopter as skyler was quiet the whole trip but Josie on the other hand was excited to get out of Gotham city for a change, Hearse was holding on to a rope looking at the league of assassins base in nanda parbat.

As he was having flashbacks of the fight that happened between the blackhand and league of assassins, as the helicopter landed near the base the trio hopped out of the helicopter.

The first thing the trio saw were both blackhand soldiers and league of assassins dead on the ground, Josie looks around then said out loud.

Josie: so what the hell happened here?

Skyler: blackhand happened that is why.

Josie: oh Skyler I didn't mean what I said...

Skyler: it's fine Josie I used to work for them before they turn evil in the end...

Skyler and Josie were looking for a way in the temple as hearse found a sword in the ground with a skeleton mask on it ripped though as the wind was blowing it to the left.

Hearse looks to the Cliffside to see a entrance so hearse let Skyler and Josie know what they found.

The trio looks at the entrance as Josie looks at the both of them and said.

Josie: that is a dark hallway huh.

Skyler: what are you scared of the dark Josie?

Josie: yeah it's reasonable to be scared Skyler you should try it sometime...

Skyler shake her head as she walked in Josie took a deep breath as she walked in after Skyler, then hearse followed Josie right behind her...

Hey everyone I hope you like this one, so the trio found a way in the temple of the league of assassins what will they find but anyway see you all in the next one.

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