Chapter 27

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"Mommy!" Daisy giggles as she climbs into her parents bed and crawls under the covers right next to her mom.

"Good morning my love" Veronica smiles.

"Morning. Where's daddy?"

"Well he should be right next to me cuddling us but he's not. I heard him leave the bedroom like an hour ago. I don't know where he is. He just has to be back soon so we can get ready"

"Ready for what?" Daisy asks as she rests her head on her mother's chest and wraps her arms around her.

"Mommy is graduating college today" Veronica smiles proudly. "That's a big deal"

"What does it mean?"

"It means mommy is finally done with school. No more studying no more exams and I will stay home with you for a little while until I find a job"

Daisy smiles widely but Veronica can't see. She only feels how her daughter squeezes her close. "Good job mommy! I'm proud of you"

"Thanks love"

Just in that second the bedroom opens and Archie walks in. With a squeal Daisy jumps up and put her hands in the air. "Daddy!" she giggles as she jumps into his arms. "where were you?"

"I woke up early this morning and couldn't sleep anymore so I went for a walk"

"Did you kiss me and mommy goodbye before you left?"

"I did" Archie smirks "I promise" He squeezes Daisy close and places kisses on her cheek then sets her down on the bed. He walks over to Veronica, places his hands on each side of her head then leans down to kiss her softly. "Happy graduation day" he smiles.

Veronica smiles too. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down for another kiss. "Thank you. I love you"

"I love you more" Archie whispers. "Whenever you are ready to get up, I got breakfast on the way back home and coffee for us and hot chocolate for our mini"

"You got me hot chocolate?" Daisy squeals and jumps onto Archie's back. "Thank you daddy!"

"Anytime my love. Why don't we two set the table and give mommy a minute"


Veronica cups Archie's cheeks again and kisses him one last time before she lets him go. Her heart beats fast and she feels butterflies everywhere. Even after all those years, after all the stress and pain and tears and drama, their love for each other is still strong. It's the one thing that held their head above water when life was trying to pull them under. And of course their daughter, the living representation of that love. Her smile, her hugs her 'mommy' and 'daddy' and her heart is what made everything else seem less important. Now after everything they've been through Veronica is finally graduating. She made it all by herself without her father's influence and she's very proud of that.

"Mommy, come!" Daisy screams and pulls her out of her thoughts.

Veronica giggles. She rubs her eyes before she walks into the living room. Her heart skips a beat when she sees the big bouquet of roses on the table and balloons everywhere. Daisy sits on her chair with her legs swinging back and forth while she drinks her hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream through a straw. Archie opened the braids so her long red hair is even curlier and usual and lies over her shoulders.

"What's all this?" Veronica giggles.

"We are very proud of you Ronnie" Archie smiles as he walks closer to her. He grabs her waist and pulls her against his chest. "You fought for this and now you're graduating. I have no idea how you handled everything, at the same time. I could never. You're amazing"

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