Part 12: Atticus x Corey

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Corey's POV
(what omg wow a new POV :O )

    Never in my twenty-five years of living had I imagined I would be sitting in a million dollar car, with one of the most influential, rich, sexiest men in America. But here I am. Sitting in the passenger seat next to Atticus Ride. The CEO of the company I work at, who happens to be a Daddy Dom. After everything that happened between us, well mostly because of the spectacular breath taking hand job, I haven't been the same.

Seriously though, how is he that good at giving hand jobs? Probably years of experience. And his after care, the soothing soft praises he would whisper in my ears. His husky deep and mesmerizing voice.

Oh mother of skittles.

I can only imagine the after care he gives following sex is even better. No, Corey, what is wrong with you!?

I smack my cheek to escape the thoughts in my mind. Atticus was seated next to me in the driver's seat, still in his t-shirt and sweatpants. I was assured he would change at work.

    "Thank you for d-driving me to w-work." I say and silently curse my stuttering.

    "No problem darling. Cannot have you walking alone to work." Atticus says and sneaks a glance my way. I roll my eyes and scoff.

    "I've been walking to work for years. I know how to defend myself against attackers. I'm pretty scary when I want to be, I'll have you know." Atticus laughs and I blush at the deep sexy noise.

    "Acting all tough now hm? What happened to the shy, stuttering boy from earlier?" It took all my courage not to blush and hide away in a deep dark hole. Sadly, I don't think that would be happening any time soon. Seroiusly though, why would a sex god like Atticus Ride want to boyfriend or Daddy? Me, a complete nobody.

Who was abanodoned by my parents for being gay and a little. A scared weakling who let my ex beat me and abuse me. I didn't stop it because I was too weak to even try. Apparently Atticus noticed my saddened expressions, because his hand came down on my thigh and he gave a squeeze. Sending a weird sort of pleasant feeling through my stomach.

    "Did I upset you kitten?" His words are spoken with worry. I look over at him and shake my head.

    "No, I was just thinking. But I guess I'm comfortable with you now, so that's why." I place my own hand over Atticus's much larger hand. We lock eyes and my cheek grows red. Again I feel his massive hand squeeze my thigh and I whimper and mewl.

    "Be careful kitten, I wouldn't make such lewd noises while I am here." He lifts an eyebrow and I squirm in the black leather seat I sit in.

    "You're the one touching me, when you should be focusing on the road-" When I look out the window I see we're no longer on the highway, but in the same parking garage from the day before. Flashbacks from the day before come back to my thoughts. He was so gentle and caring as he carried me down here and into his car.

    "You're an adorable sweet boy. I'm glad you are comfortable with me." I get a warm smile from Atticus. While he beams, my face grows flustered.

    "Meanie." A playful pout comes across my face making Atticus squeeze my thigh tighter. It was almost like he was afraid I would run or something. Which, not going to lie to you, I would run. The way this man made me feel, or the things he made me think about. Burning fiery tingles that roam my skin when his rough tan hands caress me.

    "Are you alright kitten?" Atticus asked with a mischievous smirk. He knows exactly what he's doing to me. Gathering some courage I face Atticus again. Looking into those sexy brown eyes.

    "I'm fine. I-I think we should go, we're already extremely late." My hands grips the sides of the seat while Atticus stares into my own (plain) blue eyes. My legs shiver under his hand.

    "Alright, I'll walk you to your office, then go to mine." My thigh suddenly becomes cold and empty as Atticus removes his surprisingly comforting grip. I silently whine as he unlocks the door and steps out.

Luckily Atticus doesn't catch my whine and smack I planted on my cheek.

Why are you whining over something so stupid!? Stupid meanie old man making me blush and horny.

    "Coming darling?" I jump and let out a small yelp when Atticus knocks on my window. Quickly I open my door and step out, while grabbing my work bag from the car's back seat.

    "Would you like me to carry that kitten?" Atticus asks while reaching for my bag. I scoot back and his hand stops moving.

    "Umm, no that's okay. I can carry it. A-Also can you not call me that here..I don't want to.....slip at work." Atticus steps forward and faintly runs his fingers through my hair, one finger lifting at my chin so we become eye to eye. A warm and welcoming smile on his face makes my heart skip a beat and my breath hitch.

    "As you wish, but I want you to know that I only wish to make you comfortable with me. I plan on fully courting you Corey Woods, in the goal to win your heart. If you feel the urge to slip, find me as soon as possible. Understand?" I nod my head up and down slowly.

    "Give me words boy." Atticus scolds in a tone I couldn't disobey.

    "I understand." I smile and so does Atticus.

    "Good boy, now let's go." Atticus places a hand on the small of my back and pushes me along.

A/N: I'm thinking of writing a new book but a much longer one. I'll write a few chapters and upload to see how it goes! Hope you enjoy and comment!!!!! ❤️

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