Part 15: Atticus x Corey

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ATTICUS'S POV!!!!!!!!!!! (Ugh Daddy take me 🤤🥴)

   I safely pulled my Kitten from the passenger side of the car and he giggled as I easily lifted him into my arms. I decided to leave his bag in my car for now, as my top priority was my sweetheart who was wrapped around my hip and cuddling into my neck. His breathing was rolling down my neck and his little sparkling eyes started at me with awe.

"Kitten, are you hungry?" I asked as I ventured closer to my kitchen, flipping on the lights as well. Corey bounced on my hip.

"Yuhu! Can has foo pwease?" My sweetness asked kindly making me coo. How could I deny such a cute adorable boy as Corey? Although never having a caregiver to give him rules and care he was well behaved. He waited patiently as I prepared a high chair I kept in a corner of my kitchen. It had been collecting dust since I bought it, but now I would have the privilege of seating my own precious little boy in. It's been so long since I've had a little here with me, hopefully this wouldn't end like my last little had. Corey is mine, my sweet adorable and handsome boy.

Slow down Atticus, we have yet to sign the contract. Although he already said he wanted me to be his Daddy.

"Can I set you here?" I asked Corey as he clung to me like a baby kola. He hummed then nodded. I sat his little butt on the comfy cushioned high chair, then buckled him in and clicked the tray in place. I made sure it wasn't too tight but seeing as he was smaller than I care for, I was more afraid he would fall out.

"Now, can you be a good boy and wait here while I make you some food?" I asked a seemingly quiet Corey. His curiosity was evident as he smiled up at me.

"Yuhu Daddy! Den we pway?" I cooed again. My soon to be sweet boy was just too adorable. I crouched down to peck a kiss on his cute button nose and then his cheek. I was fully in Daddy mode hearing his little voice calling me Daddy.

"Of course kitten. You are being such a good boy, so keep sitting still and we can play all you want." Corey beamed with happiness and sunshine.

   "Pway! I wan pway wif Daddy!" He said with the cutest smile. I pat his head one last time before venturing for food in my kitchen. Cory watched me as I searched through my food in the fridge. I kept a close eye on any movements from the patient boy.

   "Hm, how about some fruit and a turkey sandwich?" I asked Corey.

  "Yu! Twuky twuky!"

Seems he likes turkey and fruit. Noted.

   "Alright kitten, hold on." As I prepared four small triangle cut sandwiches and chopped fruit Corey chanted 'Twuky Twuky Twuky' over and over.

"Here kitten." I said as I place the small plate on his high chair tray. He went to grab some food but I smacked his hand away, he pouted and let out a little whine.

"Daddy feeds you." I said but Corey didn't argue. He puts his small hands in his lap and opened his mouth for me. I sat peacefully on a chair in front of Corey and picked up a fork, poking a few pieces of strawberries.

"Here comes the air plane!" I said playfully and Corey giggled as I flew the fork around making weird noises. The food came to his mouth and he gladly ate the bites.

"Good boy, such a good boy for Daddy." I praised.

He's too cute for his own good. I can't wait to spoil him! How did a wonderful baby boy like Corey found his way to me. God I'm old, and cheesy now.


"Corey, can you be Daddy's big boy now?" I asked as we sat on my couch. Corey let me change from his work clothes to a sweatshirt and sweatpants. He was sitting on my lap and I was rubbing his back. We finished eating a bit ago and my kitten wanted to cuddle. Who am I to deny cuddles?

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