Part 2: Marcus x Daniel

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As the day went on, Marcus would finish his lectures and excitedly head to the front of the school, waiting for Daniel there patiently before their little outing. Daniel was late, like always. And covered in paint once more. He finally spotted Marcus waiting and he slowed down his running pace.

   "I'm-oh jeez-I'm here!" He panted hard and bent over to catch his breath. His hair was partially standing up, his cheeks had spots of pink paint on them, and Daniel's clothes were a crazed mess. "Sorry..I had to...oh jeez is it hot or is it just me?" He chuckled. Marcus laughed softly at the man's appearance, and the way in which he had carried himself during this particular encounter.

     "You're fine Daniel, you just got done running. Besides that, am I driving, or are you?" He asked, hoping to calm what seemed to be nerves from the man.

    "Um, I could drive? My truck isn't too far from here." Daniel was finally able to catch his breath, fix his hair, and attempted to wipe off the paint staining his face. Daniel felt slightly better after taking a second to properly breath. His mouth curved into a wide toothy smile as he looked up at the other man.

    "I will warn you my truck is extremely old and cluttered." Daniel said with a chuckled. Marcus nodded softly.

   "That works for me Daniel. If you lead the way, I will join you in your old, cluttered truck, no problem." He'd reply, before gesturing with his hand for Daniel to lead the way. Daniel led the way through the parking lot until they reached a two door s-10 black truck.

    "Meet Brad. My baby." Daniel smacked his hand on the hood of the truck and unlocked the doors. "Hop on in partner." Daniel said in a fake country accent.

   "You sure he's a baby country bumpkin? He might be older than you." He'd tease, laughing softly at his own joke as he hopped in.

   "Hey, don't age shame my baby boo." Daniel turned to Brad and pouted. "He didn't mean it babe, you're not old." Daniel said as he hoped in his truck and started the engine.

   "Alright you ready?"  Marcus laughed again.

    "I'm not shaming your little Brad, just commenting." He'd tease, buckling up and getting settled in his seat. "And yes, I am ready."

"Meanie." Daniel huffed, adjusted his seat, and began driving away. He turned on the radio and allowed Marcus to pick any channel he wants.    

   "Okay, heading to the cafe. Anywhere you have to go before the cafe?" Daniel asked with a smile.

The teacher simply laughed softly at his colleagues comment, before continuing. Marcus smiled at Daniel, saying, "No, nowhere I need to go before or after really." He'd say, hinting that he was a person with an incredibly open schedule, and maybe even a little more. Marcus wouldn't change the channel, and instead wait for a reply.

   "Good. I don't want to bother you. Oh, and I do have to feed my cat tonight so maybe we could stop there after the cafe. We can play board games maybe, I have a ton." Daniel giggled and his nose crunched up as he did. His eye stayed on the road but he would glance at Marcus for a spilt second.  

   "You don't have to come over though." He added. Marcus raised an eyebrow at the invitation, but also smirked a bit.. mischievously.

   "Sure, let's investigate your place, we can have some fun there. You fine dropping me off at home at some point too?" He'd ask, not sure where things might go but... getting a certain feeling from Daniel now.

   "Of course, I'll take you home tonight. And pick you up tomorrow so you can get your car." Daniel smiled. He wasn't sure where their 'hang out' would lead to but whatever happens, happens.

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