To Hokkaido

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After that night, the next couple days seemed to fly past because of your excitement and from packing, and soon enough Sunday came. You waited in your living room happily that morning, even though it was really early, your father chuckling at your eagerness. "I have to say, I'm both happy and saddened." You looked at the man confused, tilting your head. "Why would you be sad?" "Because my little girl is growing up. Going on her own adventures." You thought you saw tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, making you immediately stand up and hug him. He hugged back, kissing the top of your head before sighing, hearing car wheels roll up into the driveway. You pulled away and kissed his cheek, grabbing your duffel bag and running out the door excitedly, your dad grabbing something from the counter before following you out, smile present on his face. Connie was the first to greet you, waving and smiling, his excitement matching your own. You squealed happily and started jumping up and down, the other boys, plus Sasha and Mikasa, exiting the large motor home. You hugged Mikasa tightly as she chuckled, then hugging Sasha. Reiner pouted. "Where's my hug?" You blushed a bit and laughed lightly, hugging the large boy tightly, your cheek pressed to his chest as all the boys glared at him. Your father's smile fell. "Now, who's driving?" Bertholdt, Jean and Eren raised their hands. "We'll be rotating throughout the drive sir." Jean said a bit quietly, somewhat intimidated. Your father threw something at each of them, the objects hitting their chests and then falling to the ground. Bullets. He smiled again, though it was more of a 'I only slightly approve' smile. "If she's not back safe and sound by Saturday as I've been told, the next ones will be much faster." The three boys' faces went white at your dad's words as the others snickered a bit and held in their laughter. "That goes for the rest of you as well." They're noises ceased and they nodded as you whined at the man. "We're going to be fine dad! You don't have to scare my friends..." You grumbled as he kissed your head and chuckled. "I know, sorry. Now go have fun, and call me when you get there." You nodded and smiled at him, hugging him again before filing back into the motor
home with everyone else, your smile never falling.

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