Chapter six: Their Unintentional encounter

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A male clothed in a black hoodie and black jeans came amid the big crowds of people and loud traffic of vehicles furiously running through the people

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A male clothed in a black hoodie and black jeans came amid the big crowds of people and loud traffic of vehicles furiously running through the people. The male dodged every person who got in his way, not bumping into them. Everyone who saw him stared in confusion, stopping in their tracks as the male, not once at their looks, stopped running.

Not too far behind him trailed a whole crowd of paparazzi (the mutts with cameras), as they each individually ran towards him. Pushing through and dodging people he tried his hardest to not get trapped in between the crowd. 

He couldn't be seen. He panted, his lungs on fire, the pink-haired male quickly glanced behind him. The sight before him only made him regret this choice.

They were gaining on him. Not a very surprising predicament as he wasn't really the athletic type and was already struggling to keep running, his legs screaming at him to stop. But no he couldn't stop. This was a game of tag and he must not get tagged by those contemptuous humans.

He couldn't be "It" as they were the ones in his game of tag and no one was going to make The Kim Sunoo be their chess piece in a game. This was his life and they were just living in it.

The male kept running with the crowd getting closer to him and he quickly looked for a way away from them, frantically looking at his surroundings. But he only saw people and more people. "This is the worst day of my life" he distressfully voiced out, barely audible over his running. Closing in on an opening cafe..... a male walked out of the cafe at the same time, not paying attention to his surroundings, and before Sunoo could dodge him.... the two collided into each other.

Falling flat onto the ground, the male's phone was knocked out of his hand and onto the ground, while the model fell onto him. They both groaned in pain at the impact. Laying there for a moment before Sunoo picked himself up from his chest, the male's hood falling off his head and revealing his face as he rubbed his forehead. The other male who he bumped into stared incredulously at him.

'It couldn't be him, right?' thought the Japanese male. Completely lost at the moment.

The model and idol of his life was literally in front of him and even more laying on him. He stared at the other in shock before they made eye contact for a second. Kim sunoo. Pink hair, fox-like eyes. Yep, it was him, he would know that face anywhere. He examined him, somewhat in a trance as he noticed him sweating, probably from all the running.

This was stopped though as they heard voices behind them yell. " Get him! He's over there!" Immediately the two looked at each other one with a scared expression while the other looked confused before he quickly got up and grabbed his hand, "come on!" he started running. With the taller leading they began running again. Sunoo looked behind him quickly. Like, come on! Why won't these people give up?!

Without warning he was abruptly pulled by his waist, he gasped as he was pulled into an alleyway. His back was up against the wall as the unknown male held him with a hand on his waist and his finger on his lips as he stared at the entrance. It was silent as they both listened to see if they were safe.

Once seeing the crowd pass the entrance and their steps fade they both sighed in relief. Sunoo took this chance to examine the male. A beauty mark on his chin, perfect facial structure, and his hair dyed a dirty blonde. He was clothed in an all-black outfit. His jeans with rips and a black shirt tucked into it paired with a belt. He even realized he had chains that hung from his jeans. But his face was familiar. Where had he seen him?

In thought, he stared at him when the male looked back towards him and they made eye contact and a lightbulb went off in his head. He gasped, "Is your name Niki perhaps?" He questioned, a blank look on as he waited for the male to answer. For a second he seemed to be shocked that he knew him before he nodded, " Yes." he spoke, his voice irregularly deep he continued, "How do you know me?" he questioned.

Clearly confused about how the number one model who he swore didn't know he even existed knew his name. Quite believable to Sunoo " you see your friend seems to be smitten with my best friend and showed me a picture of you too. But I won't reveal all the extra details" he said, sass laced in his voice. Poor male just stood there in shock before clearing his throat and just nodding. 

They stood there for a while as they didn't know what to do now that they weren't being chased anymore. So an awkward silence enveloped them as they stared into space when Sunoo looked down and realized the male's hand was still on his waist. He froze before looking up at the man " Um, you can let go of me now?" he said which made the male quickly retract his hand as he bowed repeatedly in apology " sorry" he looked away in embarrassment and sunoo just shook it off.

There was a moment of silence before sunoo sighed and started walking past the male " well I should probably go now. Don't want them to come back before I get away" He said looking back at the younger one more time before he started walking again. 

Niki looked at him. Was he really going to lose the chance to get Kim sunoo's number? HECK NO HE WASN'T THIS  IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME THING AND HE WASN'T GOING TO LET IT PASS!! 

With fast steps the male quickly grabbed onto the male's wrist which in return made him look back at him in confusion. " yes?" he spoke, staring at niki as he waited for an answer. But how was he to ask him this? Just go for it? He contemplated it before he finally spoke " Could I have your number? I mean- you don't have to" he stammered in embarrassment and sunoo just stared in amusement. 

The male actually had the guts to ask for his number. Well, look at that. A chuckle resounded in the alley and niki stopped talking and looked back at the pink-haired angel in Infront of him to see him laughing. It was so cute how his eyes turned into crescents as he laughed, his dimples on display.

He couldn't help the blush that resided on his face and he smiled himself. The male spoke up, wiping a stray tear from laughing so hard " No ones ever had the confidence to ask for my number like you did." He stopped to catch his breath before continuing " Something about me being too scary looking or something. But you just went for it so because of that I'll give you my number"

Immediately niki beamed at this, biting his lip to surpass the smile that tried to appear, and fished his phone out of his pocket. But only when he didn't find it he froze. ' i must have dropped it earlier and forgot to pick it up ' he thought to himself and mentally facepalmed. 'you get the chance to get Kim sunoo's number and you don't have your phone? way to blow it, Niki'.

Niki sheepishly smiled at the confused male, " I sorta dropped it earlier when I bumped into you" he said. sunoo stared at him for a second before replying back " no worries" he grabbed the male's wrist and took something out of his pocket. Niki stared confused but sooner understood when he wrote his number down on his hand.

Putting the pen back in his pocket once done he looked up at him " well it was nice meeting you niki. Oh and thanks for earlier" then with a small smile he was finally gone out of his sight.

The black-haired male looked down at his hand once he saw he was gone, smiling ear to ear" Time to go shove this in jay's face"  the male remarked, " But before that, I have to find my phone" he quickly said and hurriedly started running in the direction of the cafe this time in a really good mood.


To be continued........

Words in total- 1436

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