4 | shinobi in training

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"The first thing a true Shinobi needs is stamina! Keep up, [Lastname]!" Your teacher's voice was loud in your ears, humiliating even. You didn't exactly appreciate her calling you out for slacking behind everyone else. It had already been a year since you first entered the academy, and you always managed to suck when it came down to stamina. But Lee - your only friend in your class as far as you could tell, excelled in stamina. Always in front of the class while everyone else teased him for his 'hopeless' dream. Initially, you were of the same mindset. Being a ninja without ninjutsu in this day and age seemed impossible.

But Lee was a motivated boy - despite the fact most told him outright it was impossible and dumb, he denied it. He would become a talented ninja, a master of Taijutsu. You found yourself believing it after not too long - seeing how he did much better in most subjects than you could ever hope to do.

Even if he was better than you at most, you refused to fall behind. He was in front because he worked hard, not because he was born with the talent needed. So you would force yourself in front of the nearest slacker - a girl with two buns. She tried her hardest - it was clear by how much she struggled just to catch up with the group. You found you had a fond respect for hard workers, maybe it was because you had a tendency to do the bare minimum. You almost felt you didn't have it in you to try your hardest - even when being surrounded by the hardest working people you knew.

Naruto never gave up on his Jutsus - never gave up on anything. He even managed to get over himself and 'befriend' Sasuke due to your suggestions. (Truly, it was only tolerance on both parts) That's what led you to befriending Sasuke (sort of), which led you to befriending Sakura and Ino, who were jealous of the fact you could get so close to him so casually. Then there was the last one, your initial impression of Hinata was that she was a shy and meek girl - that much about her was true, but she never gave up. That was her 'nindo' way, whatever that was.

Then, of course, there was Lee. You knew he had a tendency of getting low in spirits, but he'd lift himself up just as fast - he was the only friend your age you had, if you were right, you were his only friend, since most tended to stay away from his 'overwhelming' self, or his 'idiotic' self. The people of the Leaf seemed a little harsh, but you managed to befriend the two kindest villagers around. Though... They were both outcasted.

Well, that's what made humans, human. Judging others - though you didn't exactly like to be judged. So that's why you tried a little harder, reaching the middle of the group but never able to reach the front of it. It made you frustrated - putting in your all was never enough. Even as your teacher called off stamina training for the day, you found yourself disappointed as you sat on a bench. Though, you didn't let it show, not while you wiped away your sweat away as Lee came toward you, a big smile on his face a result of his achievements.

"I cannot believe it! I was first place, before Neji!" He cheered, coming over to sit next to you. Neji was a boy in your class, he was a prodigy - the number one in just about everything. He was impressive, but hard to get along with - Hinata had told you that much. If anything, the past year had made Nejis behavior worse, something inside the clans business made him act that way. You were curious, but you knew to stay out of other clans businesses.

"All your hard work has paid off. I can definitely see a difference." You complimented. "Surpassing the classes number one student in anything is a great achievement."

He sat next to you on the bench, classes were already ending for the day, so that left the two of you with nothing to do. "You are right, just because I beat him once, doesn't mean I'll do it again if I do not work hard..." That was far from what you said, but you knew the way he was.

"I was thinking, maybe you'd like to spar with me?" He asked bashfully, looking toward you. You were looking ahead, so that left him staring at your side profile. You were thinking, there was nothing you needed to do that day, and you hardly had pre-planned hangouts. So you nodded.
"Sounds good. I could use some extra training."

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