28 | away from home, away from you

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You had snuck into the Sand a month after you left the Leaf—you had no doubts that the Leaf would tell the Sand all about you leaving, because one; it was your hometown. And two, it was their neighboring ally village. Of course, whether or not they'd actually send you back was beyond you—after all, both the sand and leaf wanted the [Lastname] clan on their side.

It was dark, your clans compound was abanonded--which meant there were no lights that lit up the streets. But you knew the way home still, reaching the end of the road to reach your house. You had entered again, looking through every room. Your room as you had left it, your parents room lacking bodies--but the room messy. You didn't take the time to look it through the last time you were here, back then you spared yourself the thoughts and feelings of your clan, but today, you made yourself face it completely.

Now that you looked, you could see the struggle your parents were putting up against whoever attacked. Your mother was the leader of your clan when she was alive, yet she and your step-father got overpowered. Things were knocked off of the shelves, the most noticeable one being an old photo, shattered and ripped, yet you picked it up. It was your mother, and a man you never saw before, you looked at it closely, turning it around to see the back.

It dated sixteen years back, before you were born--and there was text on it. "First date..." You read out loud, and despite the context, your mother didn't look too happy. Your lips twitched, holding the photo by just one end before you shoved it into your bag, stepping over the shattered glass.

Shisui helped you look, and he ended up in your little sister's room. As much of an intruder he felt he was, he was doing it for you--the first thing he noticed was how neat it was, similar to yours when he first got here, because you weren't attacked--or there at all. She had a variety of toys and plushies, of which, he counted a lot of dragons. The next thing he noticed was the unopened journal on the girl's desk, definitely old--and if the dust on it was any indication, it was untouched for a while, too.

Shisui never liked to pry, but he found himself looking through it anyway. Definitely a childs diary, considering the wonky writing and the spelling mistakes—but he took note of the considerable amount of times you were mentioned. Every time you'd train with your mother, she got jealous. She mentioned various times she wished she was born first—or that you weren't born at all. Other times that she wanted to be the one with the dragon, not you. Shisui didn't have siblings of his own, but reading this..

Well, it made him sad. He frowned, getting to the final entry. 'I met a man today, he said he really liked dragons. I do too, so when he asked me if I knew where the one with the dragon was, I told him that it was me. I know he meant my dumb sister, but I have lots of dragons too." Shisui shut the book, taking another look at the girls room. She was right about having lots of dragons—but he wondered who the man she spoke of was.

He placed the journal into his vests pocket. You had told him to pocket anything he might find useful to what you were searching for—and he figured that even though what he read might hurt you, it was something worth reading. Shisui took one last look at the room, rubbing his arms up and down. For whatever reason, he thought the room to be eerie—despite him being the ghost. He made quick work of getting out of the room and meet back up with you.

You were still going through your parents room, this time you looked under the bed—where you pulled out a box. It was photos upon photos of your mother and a man; you didn't know why she kept them, considering the fact she got married to a completely new man. But you came to the eventual realization that this man had to be your father, you touched your nose, it looked like your inherited the nose-shape of your father.

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