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Suggested listening: SHINee - LUCIFER

After Heihachi was gone, Jin didn't move a muscle for a few second, apart from his knuckles, which he closed in two fists that shook, as tight as they were.

-What is it that worries you, Jin? You said both the UN and the CIA have eyes set on him. He can't touch us.

-Neither can we. If I as much move the hair of Heihachi Mishima in a way the UN doesn't like, there won't be any go to prison card for me this time. More likely a go to capital execution one, if something happens to him. He's blood of my blood, as much that disgusts me, if he dies, my head will roll next.

-Well, I can live in a world where we can mutually do no harm to each other. But I imagine for you it's different.

-It's not that. That man doesn't live by the rules, he lives to bend and break them. He will find a way to hurt us, you can be sure of that, and cover his tracks brilliantly too. He won't let me the chance to cry to mama UN. But he knows I won't be able to strike back.- he made a long pause. -If he as much walks beside Eun-Jung, he's dead, UN or not. That is a promise. He has a feud with me. He better leave you two out of it.

-I can defend myself quite well, Jin. And you've seen what Eun-Jung is capable of, I'm positive the Devil would come out in case of emergency. She would give Heihachi's man a hell of a time. We're not easy targets, let's not forget about that.

-But let's not forget who we're dealing with either. Heihachi is the most powerful and deadly man in the world, in more than one way. And he's been dead and back more times than I can count now.

-Let's hope someday he stays dead.

-Would be nice for a change. Now, let's go home. Enough talk of my grandfather. We're all tired and deserve a good time of sleep, if the jet lag allows us to rest.

But they couldn't sleep much, with the exception of Eun-Jung. They were too preoccupied with Heihachi's threats and kept thinking about all the ways he could hit their family without even being indicted. A house fire. A faulty wire. Another "incredibly sloppy" hunter. A robbery gone wrong in the city centre. A mass shooting at Eun-Jung's school. And the list went on and on. They realised he indeed had more power over them and opportunities to strike than what they'd like to think. And it wouldn't matter if the UN and the CIA saw videos of him threatening Jin and his family; the evidence against him would remain circumstantial at best.

Hwoarang thought he wasn't under the UN light. He could do something and maybe get away with it.

Jin thought he never told the UN about Devil Jin, so maybe the guy could pay old grandpapa a visit.

Both were right, but both forgot house rule number one: we don't lie to each other, not even white lies. We don't hide anything either.

And they both forgot another thing: faking her sleep in the other room, there was a terrified yet angry teenager who never saw his great-grandfather before that day, and yet she wanted him dead. She wanted him dead. And as her anger grew by the minute, her Devil did too, whispering murderous words to her ear, telling her what that evil man would do to her dear papas as soon as he could, and that wasn't far in time. Her eyes glowed yellow in pure hatred, but she didn't turn; "now it's not the time. I will tell you when to strike".

The whole family was planning the end of Heihachi Mishima, each on their own terms, each without telling the other.

What could ever go wrong?

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