Chapter 12

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As soon as I walked into training the next morning, I knew something was off. I was the first one in and Maverick was quietly staring out the window. "Mav?" I seemed to have startled him. He jumped slightly and even from behind I could tell he was wiping his eyes. "He-hey, Magnolia." I furrowed my brows and set my coffee down. "What's wrong?" He opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "I-Ice-" He inhaled deeply as a few tears slipped. "Pete, you can tell me." I said hugging him. "Ice died last night." I flew back at his words, shocked. "Wh-what? I saw him like four days ago. He was doing so good!" He nodded with his eyes closed. "Warlock told me. Sarah called. He got tired and went to take a nap, when she went to get him up, he was gone." My hand flew to my mouth. "Oh my god. Do his kids know?" He nodded. "They're flying in today." I nodded. 

"Do you know if dad knows?" He shook his head. "I should call him." I nodded as he sat down. "Call mom, she needs to be with him." He nodded and pulled out his phone. I turned and walked out, seeing Hangman, Coyote and Bob coming over. "Hey, hang out here for a minute." They all furrowed their brows. "Maverick is on the phone with my dad and," I looked back in seeing his shoulders shake. "It's not good." I said trying to keep my tears at bay. "What happened?" Coyote asked concerned. "Um, Iceman passed yesterday. He's had throat cancer and he went down for a nap yesterday and when Sarah, his wife went to wake him, he was gone." Everyone was shocked. "I need some air, I'll be back. Will you guys keep everyone out till Maverick is ready?" They nodded as I walked outside, Rooster getting out of the Bronco as I stopped, my shoulders shaking as the sobs hit. 

"Oh, shit." Rooster rushed over, gathering me in his arms. "What's wrong? Everything okay?" I just cried into his chest for a minute. "Honey, you gotta talk to me. I can't help you like this." I tried to soothe myself as he rocked us back and forth. "Ice is dead." He suddenly stopped. "What?" I nodded. "He went to take a nap and he never woke up, Sarah found him." Rooster sighed before holding me closer, kissing my head. "I'm so sorry, Mags. God, I'm so sorry." 


"Hi mama." I said as I opened my door. "Hi baby." She pulled me into a hug, squeezing me. "Is he okay?" I asked looking out to my dad, he was standing in the driveway just watching as the sun went down. "He'll be okay." She said patting my cheek. "Oh, Bradley." Mama said, looking off to the side. I stuck my head out the door, seeing Rooster walking over. "Hi Mrs. Motley." She yanked him into a tight hug, surprising him. "If you call me that again, I'm gonna have to fight ya." He chuckled as they let go. "You'd probably win." He said before catching sight of my dad who turned towards us. We stayed quiet as he walked over. "Hi daddy." He smiled at me, pulling me into a hug and kissing me temple. "Hey, sweetie." He let go and turned to Rooster. 

"Rooster." He shook my dads hand. "Mr. Mo-Bobcat." I chuckled as he remembered what my dad said the last time he was here. "Come on, I'll get you guys set up in the guest room." I said letting them in. Where's Dahlia?" I furrowed my brows and looked around. "She's out back, sunbathing." Rooster said, easing some of my stress. "Oh, that dog." Mama said and I chuckled. "Watch this." I said leaning back to Rooster. "DAHLIA! COME!" Immediately she rushed in, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen as she saw my parents. She stared at them for a moment before dropping to the ground, watching them. 

All of a sudden she scattered towards them, not able to run straight, crying and whining. "Hi honey!" Mama cried as Dahlia immediately turned her butt towards my mom for scratches. "I have never met a dog with more character." Rooster said in my ear, making me laugh. "She's a handful right?" Dad asked as he pet Dahlia. "Here, let me take y'all's bags." I said as I went over to grab them. "No, I got it." Rooster said taking them before I could get them. "Rooster I could've gotten them." I said as he started up the stairs. "I know, but I've got it, honey." I froze as he rushed up the stairs. I shifted my eyes over slightly to see my parents staring at me. 

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