Chapter 31

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The next morning I was in a tizzy. I looked everywhere, the jewelry bowl in the bathroom, my jewelry box, the kitchen sink, the couch, even the yard. But I couldn't find my earrings anywhere, and they were the ones Rooster gifted me on our first deployment together. He's been in the shower and I've been running around like crazy trying to find them. I couldn't tell him. He'd be so disappointed in me. So for now, I hide the fact they're missing. I changed into my flight suit and laced up my boots as he stepped out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist. He started getting dressed as I went into the bathroom to do my hair, eyeing the counter and shelves in hopes that I would spot the little gold balls. 

Once I was done I went downstairs and started breakfast still keeping my eye out. "What's got you distracted this morning?" I jumped slightly as he came up behind me. "Nothing." I said as I flipped the sausage. "No, it's something." I shook my head as the oven beeped and I pulled out the biscuits. I shook my head again, setting the pan of biscuits on the stove. "Honey." He said as I started pulling them off the sheet to put them on plates and tupperware. "Magnolia." I reached for the skillet with the sausage in it, when he reached ahead of me and snatched the cast iron, off the stove. "Hey! Careful Bradley! That's hot!" He shook his head. "Talk to me." I sighed, leaning on the counter as he set the skillet back on the stove. 

"You'll be upset with me." He sighed and I looked down at his feet. Suddenly his hands wrapped around my legs, lifting me on to the counter as he stepped between my legs. "I'll be the judge of that. Now tell me." I bit my lip. He didn't say he wouldn't be upset and there's a chance he will be. "You'll be upset with me." It was almost a whine. "Maybe, but that's part of life and we'll work through it. Now come on, out with it." He said, running his hands up and down my legs. "I can't find the earrings you got me." His face softened and a grin grew on his face. "Is that why you thought I'd be upset? Honey, they're just earrings." I shook my head as tears gathered in my eyes. 

"No they're not. They're the first gift you gave me, and they mean a lot to me." I said, looking up at him with glossy eyes. "Okay, okay." He said trying to calm me down. "Where did you take them out at?" I thought back on it. I didn't take them off at home or back at base. "The hospital, just before my MRI." He furrowed his brows. "You didn't have a bag or your purse with you?" I shook my head as we both thought. Did I give them to a nurse? A tech, maybe? Suddenly his eyes widened and he started feeling around my body. "Honey, I love you but now is not the time to-OW!" I yelped as something sharp stuck me in the thigh.

 He quickly unzipped the pocket and reached in, feeling around before he pulled out the two gold balls I was missing. My mouth hung open as he held them out to me. "Figured you put them in a pocket somewhere." I took them and put them back in. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a kiss. "You're amazing and without you I'd be lost." He chuckled and nuzzled my nose. "Damn right you'd be." I laughed and smacked his shoulder. "We're wasting time if we wanna eat." He smirked, grabbing the two plates with biscuits and grabbed some sausage before handing me one. "Then let's eat." I smiled as we dug in, him still between me legs as we watched the sun come up over the ocean. 

The day was slow, it dragged on forever. "You have your first therapy appointment today?" Phoenix asked and I nodded. "In-" I glanced down at my watch. "Fifteen minutes and I have to get across base." I said as I pulled my duffel from my locker. She nodded, following me outside to our cars. I tried to convince Rooster that we could drive separate this morning so he didn't have to come back to base and get me. But that was a losing battle. He immediately went on to how he would love to come back and pick me up, saying how he wants to squeeze in as much time as possible together. "Ready?" He asked as we walked over. "Yep." I said as he took my bag. "If your up for it after, I'd love to hear how it went." I nodded and hugged her before getting into the passenger seat of the Bronco. 

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