Chapter 21

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"Did you know?" I asked, walking up to my mom. She hung her head and I scoffed, "I didn't know, until after the mission. I noticed he was acting weird and when I asked he told me." I huffed. "But you knew, and you kept it from me." She nodded, her arms crossing over her chest. Her maroon dress bunching around her. "When he told me, I ripped into him. We didn't speak the entire way home, not on the plane, in the car. He slept in the guest room for two days, I was so mad." I don't know if she was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. 

"When we finally did talk, it was our biggest fight yet. We screamed, we yelled, hell I launched my chaco at him." I pursed my lips. "We have a big problem with throwing things when we're mad." She nodded. "I feel as mad as you. While I understand why he did it, you knew what you were getting into, very well, when you enlisted. He should not have grounded you, I know it and he does too. But before you were a Lieutenant, you were his little girl. Our youngest and frankly the one who gave me the hardest time during pregnancy. You scared us shitless a few times. You and your brother, are our entire world. When we almost lost you last year." She took a deep breath, trying to hold back tears. 

"I knew it would break me, your my little girl, hell my best friend. But your father? I don't think he could've handled it. He didn't talk, didn't eat, didn't sleep. He was a shell of himself. I'm not saying what he did was right, because it's not. But he did it out of love." I licked my lips, tears streaming down my face. "I don't know if I can ever forgive him, mama." I said catching her eye. "Because by holding me back, Rooster and Maverick almost didn't come home. I know there's no guarantee I would've come home, but you two raised me to care about people. I would've happily burned in, if it meant that they got to come home." Mom leaned over, her hands resting on her knees, sobs wracking her body. I rested a hand on her back and after a moment she stood up. 

"I am so proud of you, and I know it may take awhile to forgive your father, but just remember. He did it with your best interest at heart." I nodded and pulled her into a hug as she rubbed my back. "Caila?" I looked to see Jerry, slowly walking over. "I know this is a bad time and I know it's an emotional moment, but..." He trailed off. "But what?" He sighed. "Aaron just fired his lawyer." "WHAT?!" I grabbed mom, quietening her down. "So does that mean we're postponing the trial?" He shook his head. "He's representing himself." He shoulders fell, a shiver running up my spine.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Rooster asked, rushing over and placing his hand on my back. "Oh my god, he's pulling a Bundy." Rooster furrowed his brows. "What? Honey, you gotta tell me what's going on." "Aaron fired his lawyer, he's representing himself." Jerry nodded. "So what does that mean?" I rubbed my face, my hands going through my hair. "It means, that if he calls witnesses he will be questioning them. If he calls on her, he's asking the questions." Rooster shook his head. "No." I sighed, placing my hand on his arm. "Rooster." "No. I am not letting him fucking near you." I nodded. "I know. He is a really good lawyer, for others. He's a narcissist who thinks people should believe him, every word that comes out of his mouth. This... this is his down fall. So if he wants to try and get under my skin, then he can but everything that he has done will come out." 

He shook his head, "After all the shit we've been through, you want to let him interrogate you like your the criminal?" I nodded. "If that's what it takes." He sighed. "You're a hell of a woman,  you know that?" I nodded, grinning at him. "I've been told once or twice." He chuckled, his hand coming up to rest on my cheek. "God, I love you." I pulled him down into a kiss, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. His one hand stayed on my cheek while the other found my waist. "I'm gonna have to ask you two to not do that." I pulled away looking to find Aaron standing next to Jerry. He was glaring at us while Jerry looked down on him, his eyes narrowed almost snarling. Rooster grabbed my waist, pulling me impossibly close to him as he glared at Aaron. 

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