Chapter 47

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The next morning Rooster and I slept in, seeing as we kept each other up until the early morning hours. But when we woke up, we still couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. "Fuck, Bradley!" I cried out as I straddled him, his cock brushing that one spot inside me as he thrust up into me. "God you take me so well, pretty girl. Taking me like a good girl." I moaned at his words, my slick coating my thighs and his as he fucked me. My nails were digging into his chest as he hissed in pain. I leaned down, my lips molding to his as his arms wrapped around me, his thrusts speeding me up. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" I cried out. "Cum for me mags. Come on." The knot is my stomach was pulling tighter and tighter. "Come on, pretty girl. Cum on my cock for me." His hips were slamming into mine, his words spurring me onto until I was crying out, cumming on his cock and shaking. He chased his own high after I finished, making tears stream down my cheeks from the overstimulation. "Fuck, Mags!" He grunted, one hand tangled in my hair, the other gripping my ass. "God you feel so good! Fucking take it!" He said before moaning loudly, cumming into the condom and laying back on his pillow breathing hard.

He grinned at me, pulling me down into his chest before placing a kiss to the crown of my head. "God, I love you." He said, running his hands through my hair. I giggled, resting my hand on his chest and resting my chin on my hand. "I love you too, Roo." He smiled at me, his thumb rubbing across my cheek. "What time do you have to meet your mom?" He asked. "Eleven-thirty." He hummed. "Think we got time for one more round?" I grinned, sitting up as he followed me. Pushing me onto my back before hovering over me. "I think we can make time." I whispered before pulling his lips down to mine. After we wore each other out, we didn't realize we fell back asleep until I woke up, looking at the clock to see ten forty-five. "Shit!" I yelled, launching out of bed and startling Rooster. "What?!" He asked as I rushed into the bathroom. "I still need a shower! I'm gonna be so late!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut, cutting on the water and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. I quickly showered, and brushed my teeth while I rinsed the soap off my body. Once I was out, I rushed to dry off before stepping out of the bathroom and rushing to the dresser. I yanked out some yoga pants and a tank top. I got dressed and slid on some tennis shoes before pulling my wet hair into a bun and rushing downstairs.

I grabbed my purse before looking at the rack we keep our keys on, but they were gone. "Fuck! Where are my keys?" I turned but Bradley stood there with a cup full of iced coffee and my keys. "What would I do without you?" I asked before standing on my toes and kissing him quickly. "You'd still be searching for your keys." He said as he opened the front door for me. "I love you and I will see you when we get to the stadium." He said, pulling me into one last kiss. "I love you too!" I yelled as I rushed to the jeep. Once inside I backed out of the driveway and headed for the stadium. I sped around the building, pulling int next to mom's tour bus before grabbing the pass mom gave me and getting out. No one stopped me as I rushed back to the dressing rooms to set my stuff down. I got to mom's dressing room and swung the door open, she was tying her shoes on the couch when I walked in. "You're late." She scolded. "And your hair is wet." Olga, mom's stylist said as she walked in behind me, her Swedish accent thick behind me. "Yes, I know. We fell back asleep so I barely managed to shower before rushing here."

"What could you have been doing that you couldn't be up by ten o'clock? You're in the navy! You're up at like four a.m. every morning!" She exasperated. "Fucking, Regina! They were fucking!" My cheeks burned as Olga yelled out the answer from behind me. "Oh my god. I did not need to know that." She said before walking past me and out the door. "She seems to forget that when her and your dad got together, they couldn't keep their hands off each other." I groaned, dropping my face into my hands. Olga has been with my mom since she started touring in the eighties. They're also close friends and have been since before Jameson was born. "What? I walked in on them a time or two. On accident of course. Dressing rooms seemed to be their thing-" "Olga, I love you but just like mama, I didn't need to know that." She rolled her eyes. "So sensitive." She remarked. "Same old Olga." She smiled at me, kissing my cheek. "Go rehearse and when you are done, I will make you look... not so messy anymore." She waved me off and I chuckled as I walked out of the dressing room and down the stadium hallways to the stage. Once there mom was talking with her lead guitarist. Once she saw me, she walked over, holding out a microphone. "Ready to rehearse?" I nodded, taking the mic. "Hey, mom." I stopped her. "I'm really sorry I was late." She shook her head. "It's okay. I don't ever recall you being late for things. I just wish Olga didn't blurt out what she did, because I definitely didn't need to know that." I nodded. "I know." She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Let's go and practice. I'm so excited to have you up here." I smiled and nodded, following her down to the end of the stage.

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