Chapter 52

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Rooster's eyes opened slowly, blinking away the sleep as the light pouring in blinded him. He pulled the covers back over his head, hiding away from the sun in hopes it would dim or go away completely so he could open his eyes without the pain that came with being blinded. He closed his eyes, attempting to go back to sleep, feeling exhausted from the day before. He rolled onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow, allowing the darkness to take hold of him once again. He woke up again a few hours later, feeling more rested than he had before. He rolled on to his back, stretching his arms and legs so much he thought they may just pop off. He stared up at the ceiling for a while. He wondered where Caila was. Probably down in the kitchen cooking or lounging on the couch with the dogs. He smirked, knowing she'd be back upstairs soon for a little morning delight. She could never resist a moment alone with him. He felt the same way. He relished in the feeling of her weight on him. Whether that be her laying on him, kissing his chest as he rubbed her back, or if she was straddling his waist, grinding down on his hard cock. He groaned at the thought and decided he couldn't wait for her to come to him. He sat up but abruptly stopped realizing he was in the guest room of his own house. The only thing was, it wasn't renovated yet and there were posters on the walls, and it was messy with clothes strewn everywhere. He got up and walked out of the room, going into the guest bathroom. He felt like he was hallucinating. He washed his face before drying it, hoping it would bring him back to reality. "Bradley! Are you gonna sleep all day?" His head snapped towards the bathroom door, frozen in place. "Mom?" He muttered to himself.

He stood like a statue in the bathroom. He was confused, maybe even hallucinating. He wanted to walk out and see his mom, but at the same time he didn't. Because what would that mean? He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and he worked up the courage to walk out. There at the top of the stairs stood Carole Bradshaw, but she was young again. Younger than Bradley even, maybe in her early twenties. "About time you woke up. I swear, you'd sleep all day if I let you." She snarked and a strangled cry escaped him before he rushed to her, throwing his arms around her as he buried his face in her neck. "Hi baby." She said, holding him close. He was a whole head taller than her, but he felt like a little boy again as she rubbed his back and played with his hair. "I missed you." He said and she giggled. "I missed you too, son." After a few minutes he pulled back and she wiped the tears from his eyes. "Are you hungry?" She asked. "I made lunch." At that his stomach growled and they both laughed. "I could go for some food." He said and she nodded, turning for the stairs. "Then come on." She said, practically floating down the stairs. He smiled following after her and when he hit the last step she was standing at the bottom, grinning at him. "What?" He asked and she pointed to the couch. There was a Phillies game on the tv, but what caught his attention was the blonde head facing away from him. "Come on!" A familiar voice yelled. "Honey, I tell ya. This is not our year." The man stood. He was about an inch taller than Bradley, but what caught his attention was the familiar Hawaiian shirt. The same one he wears occasionally.

The blonde man turned and looked at him and smiled widely. "Bradley. Good to see ya son." The man said before walking over and pulling Bradley into the tightest and warmest embrace he felt in a long time. He hugged him back, the smell of his cologne invading his senses and calming him. They stayed like that for what felt like hours but no one complained, after a few minutes Goose pulled Carole into the hug. They stood like that, just holding each other for as long as they pleased, relishing in the closeness. After who knows how long they release each other, but Goose pulled his son into a side hug with his arm around his shoulder. "Damn you look so much like your mom." He said, looking at Bradley. "Good thing she's the good looking one between us." He joked and Carole smacked his arm. "Are you kidding me? He's your twin!" She said. "He came out of me looking like you, he looked like you growing up and he looks like your twin now! It's like I contributed nothing to my own kid!" She said, walking into the kitchen. "Come on. Let's get some food." Goose said, leading him into the dining room where they all sat down. Rooster took a bite of the sandwich and moaned. "Your cooking is so good mom. I missed your food." She chuckled, grinning at him. "Sure your fiance's food isn't better?" She said and he laughed. "Don't make me answer that one." He said and they laughed. "Wait, you know about Caila?" He asked and they looked at each other, laughing. "How can we not know about her? You're both head over heels for each other!" Goose said loudly. Bradley just smiled at his father, taking everything in. He missed the way his dad looked a his mom, and the way she returned that look. That's when he knew his love with Caila was true love. Because they looked at each other the same way his parents do.

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