Chapter 29

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The rest of week was spent at work, and training the new dog who Bradley decided to name Sadie. "Well at least it's not some ridiculous name." Was my response to the name. She has improved some, she no longer screeches all day when we're gone and she doesn't do it at night anymore. The second night was the roughest, she barked and yapped all night, keeping us wide awake. "Maybe we should let her out?" Rooster asked from his spot next to me. "No, because if she shreds my couch I'm kicking your ass." He scoffed, turning to look at me. "How is this my fault?" I furrowed my brows at him. "What do you mean how is this your fault? You originally wanted to bring her home." I said as I turned on my side to look at him. "You agreed to it." I rolled my eyes, rolling back onto my back. "Think we could take some blankets and sleep next door?" He chuckled, looking at the window that looked into his house. 

"No point, we'd still hear her." We didn't sleep that night and we were irritated the entire next day but thankfully throughout the week she calmed down. It was finally Friday night and we just got home from the hard deck. "So I think I'm going to start on the bathroom vanity's tomorrow. I want them done before I leave." I said as I pulled my shirt off. "I'll help you if you want." He said, coming over and placing a kiss to my shoulder. "I'd appreciate that because next week will be hectic." He furrowed his brows, his hands landing on my hips and turning me around. "Why is it going to be hectic?" I sighed, biting my lip. "Nothing." I shook my head and he chuckled. "No it's something, come on." 

"It's just, when I was with Aaron the house had to be spotless before I left and it usually took me a week to get it in order. By the time I would come home it would be trashed. I just forgot for a minute that I don't have to worry about that." He smiled at me. "Exactly, I'm not gonna trash the place, honey. But if it makes you feel better, I'll help you get the house in order before you leave." I smiled, leaning up to kiss him. "Thank you." We finished getting undressed and changed into pajamas before climbing into the bed. Dahlia came rushing in, diving onto the bed making me laugh. Then I heard the little jingle of Sadie's collar as she ran in, her little legs trying their hardest to keep up with Dahlia. I watched as her little head popped up on Rooster's side, looking up at him, begging to be let up on the bed. 

Rooster turned to me with a grin. "Can I?" I chuckled. "Just for a little bit, she still needs to sleep in the laundry room." He smiled, leaning down and picking her up to put her on the bed. She looked around wearily, like she was scared to move so she just sat on the edge of the bed, watching us. "Any luck finding her a family?" I shook my head. "I haven't heard back from Robin. So as far as I know she hasn't found anyone for her." He nodded, crossing his arms behind his head as he laid back against the head board. "What if they don't find a home for her?" He asked, looking over at me. I bit my lip, she wasn't a bad dog she just needed some work and to learn how to function in a loving home. "Then I guess she stays." I said grabbing my book off my bedside table. "Wait really?" I nodded. "No point in sending her to a shelter, Dahlia loves her and she seems to really love you. I just want to give her the opportunity to find a family that may be a better fit than we are."

At my words, Sadie stood her little legs carrying her across the bed. She stared at the spot between Bradley and I before looking up at me. I patted the spot next to me and she made her way over curling up and leaning on Bradley. I smiled, pulling out my phone and snapping a picture, sending it to my mom. Within seconds she replied, 

If Bradley comes for Thanksgiving, he's required to bring the dogs!

I laughed, showing him the text. "I've actually been thinking about that." I turned to him, his eyes were glued to his lap as his hand ran across Sadie's back. "Okay," I said closing my book. "What about it?" He leaned his head back on the headboard, looking at me. "I think I might go." I smiled at him. "Really?" He nodded, chuckling slightly. "I think it'd be nice. Just wish you would be there." I nodded. "Me too. But trust me, you'll have a blast. Plus, Jake will be deployed with me so you get to meet his family without his around." His eyebrows shot up. "What?! Why is his family gonna be there?!" I was shocked by his reaction. "Laura is Jake's sister, remember? They live in Texas about an hour away from Jake's family, so I don't see why they wouldn't be there. It is JJ's first Thanksgiving so everyone will be makin' a fuss about it." 

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