Chapter 35

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"So? What'd he say?" Jake asked as soon as I stepped out of the admiral's office, making me sigh. "Because of what I said, he has recommended me for a psych evaluation when we get home. If I'm deemed unfit, I get a medical discharge, if not I can continue service." I said as I pushed past him. "And what about Buck?" I shrugged. "They are discussing dishonorable discharge. But I don't know." I said turning away again. "Magnolia. Stop." He said as he grabbed my wrist, turning me to him. "Are you okay?" The words made me tear up. "I feel like I'm losing my mind, Jake!" I cried as he pulled me into him. "For a minute, I really thought he was Aaron and I just lost it." I leaned back, looking up at him. "I had it in my mind to kill him, Jake." I admitted. He just scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "He deserves it." I shook my head. "To have his ass kicked, yes. But death, come on Jake. That's extreme." He just sighed, knowing I was right. "So, what now?" He asked. "We work and go home." I said as I made my way back to my room.


I walked through the airport, bags in hand as Regina followed behind. "Okay, this is where I leave you." She said, tears in her eyes. "Thanks for bringing me. The last time someone came to the airport with me was when I told Mags I loved her." She laughed. "She told me how you almost missed your flight for that." I nodded. "I would've happily missed it." She nodded. "Okay, there are some snacks in your bag. I have all the dog's things, and all the gifts for Caila and us. Which you didn't have to get us anything." I shook my head. "Well, I did and they're non-refundable." She just narrowed her eyes at me as David walked up. "Leave the man alone, Gina." He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders, towering over her like a mountain. "Okay, you have an hour before your flight, so go, get through security and please, call me when you land." I froze at her words. It was the first time I've heard those words from a parent figure. "Bradley? You okay?" I nodded, realizing it had been a minute since she said that. "Yeah. Just the first time I've heard that from someone other than Mags. Never really had anyone to drop me at the airport or docks before her." Regina just smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. "Well, now you have us. So, I'll tell you the same things I say to Caila. Be careful, don't do unnecessary hero shit, and take care of yourself." I nodded, grabbing my duffel.

"Bradley." She said, catching my wrist as I turned around. "Come home to us, okay?" A few tears welled in my eyes at her words, realizing I had more than just Mags who cared about me. "I'll try my best." She nodded, kissing my cheek before David pulled me into a hug. "Make us proud?" I nodded, grabbing his outstretched hand and shaking it. "Of course." With that I turned for security, getting in line. I shot Mags a text, telling her I was getting on a plane and that I loved her. Realizing this would be one of the last times I would have the freedom to text her whenever I wanted. I sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket and following the line through security. Once on the other side I grabbed my bag, looking up and was shocked to see Regina and David still there. They waved at me and I waved back before walking away, towards my gate.


It's now the last two weeks of deployment. I haven't been able to talk to Bradley at all since he left for his deployment, and it was nerve wracking. The only good thing right now is the fact that Buck is avoiding me like the plaque and the rest of the team is in agreement that if he doesn't get discharged, they would request his removal from the team. It was nice to know they had my back, but I was ready to be back with the Dagger squad. They were basically family. But for now, I would sit on this ship, doing my day-to-day duties until we got home.

I made my way to the gym to meet Jake. Since I had been told to see a psychiatrist, I had been restricted in most of my duties, basically stuck doing paperwork most of the time. But I still met Jake at four-thirty every morning for a workout. "So, mama told me the other day that both of our families are going to be celebrating Christmas at my parent's house." I said as I pulled down on the bar, working my back. "Yeah, mom said they were spending the entire week of Christmas there." I nodded. "I'm taking a flight out the day we get back. Phoenix is gonna pack me some clothes." He furrowed his brows. "You're gonna cut it that close?" I nodded. "I don't want to be in that house just yet. Not without him." He sighed and nodded. "But my parents have my dogs, jeep and airstream. So, if you want, you can road trip it back with me." He laughed. "That actually sounds nice." I nodded. "I want to celebrate New Years back in San Diego. Phoenix tells me Penny is doing a huge party at the hard deck and I want to go." He nodded. "I invited Phoenix to spend Christmas with my family." My eyes widened as I looked at him.

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