Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of sirens from the street below, and the smell of cinnamon rolls. I open the door of my room in my mom's small New York apartment and walk to the kitchen. My mom is reaching into the oven to pull out the cinnamon rolls. I don't reveal my presence until she puts the cinnamon rolls on the landing and takes off her oven mitts.

"Morning Mom." I say to my mom, sounding a little tired.

"Morning Cami. I let you sleep in today. School was canceled due to some weird person roaming around the school." Says my mom sounding a little worried.

"That's like the 20th time this year!" I say in a shocked voice.

Our school always has weird drunk people breaking in and walking the halls. People on Facebook say they are vampires. I told my mom once and she told me vampires are just fiction. I never brought it up again.
"I figured I'd treat you to cinnamon rolls. So here they are!" Says my mom trying to change the subject.

I look at her strangely and say, "Thanks! So this has nothing to do with the fact that today is the day dad died right?"

My mom stops pulling plates out of the cabinet and turns around to look at me. She looks shocked.

"Uh. That's today?"

"Yes... How could you forget?!"

"This is why I made cinnamon rolls. I wanted to talk to you." She pauses. For a minute I don't know if she's going to continue. She gestures for me to sit down, so I do. "I met someone. We've been dating for about 2 months now. I wanted to make sure I liked him before I told you, and he agreed. His name is Stefan. He came into my work, and we started talking. He asked me out. So I said yes, and it went well. I would like it if you met him. But you don't have to. Ever. Your almost 18 so it makes since that you don't have to."

I was speech less. Dad only died six months ago, and here she is, dating someone only four months after he died. I can't take this.

"Dad only died six months ago! And four months later you have a new boyfriend! I can't believe you!" My mom is just sitting on a stool at the landing in our kitchen, shocked by my outburst. I get off my stool, grab my keys, and leave the apartment. I here my mom call after me, but I just ignore her.

I get to the street, turn left and start walking. I don't know where I'm going, but I just had to get out of that apartment. I walk around for I don't know how long.

I end up at my best friend Amanda's apartment building. I walk inside and the door man waves me on. I press the elevator button, and feel a pinch of pain go threw my finger. I instinctively put my finger to my lips to lick the blood of my finger. The man at the front desk gasps and scrambles for the phone.

I give him a weird look, and he just stares at me scared out of his mind. The elevator arrives and I get in. I press the button for the 7th floor, and the elevator goes up. I get to her floor and knock on the door.

Amanda opens the door, "Hey! Why didn't you text me? I could've put on decent clothes. Are you ok?"

"My mom is dating someone."

At that, she ushers me in and I sit on the couch.

"So your mom is dating someone..."

"Ya. His name is Stefan. They met at her work. They've been dating two months! My dad only died six months ago! I'm still not over his death! We were so close!"

"I know. I think it took you a month to go back to school. And three weeks to get you out of bed!"

"Ya. I know. While I was doing that, my mom was doing who knows what. Probably just moving on with her life like she stubbed her toe , put some ice on it, and kept walking."

"That sucks Cam."

"Ya. It does. I really don't want to meet him, but part of me does just out of curiosity."

"Me too. Who is this guy that made your mom completely forget about your mom?"

There a loud bang and I jump, scared, due to the sudden loud noise. I look in the direction of the sound, and there are about 15 men in full black gear, like the outfits you see government agents wearing when they go into a criminals house. They point guns in mine and Amanda's faces.

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