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I wake up to a couch-like surface under me, and it's jiggling. I must be in a car. I open my eyes, take a deep breath and jolt up straight. Someone puts there hands on my shoulders and starts talking. I don't understand what the voice is saying or who it is at first. Then I realise it's a male voice talking to me. I try to remember what each word he's saying means. I feel like a toddler learning how to speak. I remember how to speak and what language is. Next, try and remember who is talking to you. It's Shawn. My boyfriend.

"Cameron. Cameron. Are you ok? What's the last thing you remember?"

Cameron? Who's Cameron? Why is he calling me that? Then I remember. That's my name. My name is Cameron Alexis James. Now, to remember how to form words and make sound come out of my mouth.

"Getting shot. Then nothing." I start to freak out. "Am I dead?" I ask a little scared to hear the answer.

"Yes. You died with my blood in your system. You're in transition to be a vampire."

I have to take a minute to process this. I died, now I'm a vampire. Well sort of. Okay, so I'm a fledgling and I need human blood. Right? That sounds right.

"Do I need human blood?"

"Yes or you will die. For good this time, and I don't want that to happen."

"Death a second time is bad. Got it."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm hungry, but I'm mostly trying to remember how to talk, and what words mean what so I don't say something really stupid and weird."

"I vaguely remember that. Here's a blood bag. It should help."

I rip the blood bag out of his hands and rip off the cap. I press it to my mouth, tip up the bag, then drink. I drink until I can't get any more blood out of it. I gasp for air when I'm done.

"More." I beg.

"I knew you would say that." He hands me another bag. And I down that one too. I can't help it. It was just so so so good!

I hear the sound of someone gagging. I turn to the sound, and there's a girl about my age sitting in the front left seat. I try to remember who she is. Amanda! My best friend since kindergarten!

"Amanda! What are you doing here?"

"You texted me. I'm your getaway driver. Your boyfriend scared the shit out of me! You were dead in his arms. Then he told me that he turned you and you'd wake up in a few hours. I calmed down, and now we're headed home."


"New York!"

"Right. Where's my dad?"

"He's in the car behind us along with Jake. I can't believe he's a vampire now!"

"Ya. I couldn't either. Same with my dad."

We ride in silence for a little while longer. Amanda turns the car onto an exit and goes to the drive through of McDonalds.

"You want anything?"

"The server?" I asks partly joking.

Amanda just turns around and looks at me in shock. Shawn attempts to hold back a laugh. I attempt to do the same.

"That's not funny Cami! I thought you were serious!"

"I kind of was. Just get food so we can go. I don't want any human food."

"Same." adds Shawn.

"You were human not even 24 hours ago!"

"Ya. So. I still don't want human food. Your next."

"Shit." She pulls up and orders her food. Then she pays, gets her food, and gets back on the highway home.


I wake up to the jolt of the car stopping. I open my eyes to find that we are parked outside my mom's apartment building. I open the door and step out. Shawn follows closely behind me protecting me from what ever might come out of the shadows.

I open the door to the building and press the elevator button. It pricks me, but I barely feel a think. Within a second my finger is healed and the elevator doors open. We step through the doors, and I press the button for my mom's studio. The elevator goes up and stops at the 5th floor. The doors open and we step out into the small hallway that leads to my mom's apartment.

We walk down the short hallway and I open the door, happy to find that it's unlocked. I go inside to find my mom making out this some guy. That must be Stefan. I cough loudly to make it clear that I'm here. The break apart and look at me, Amanda, and Shawn in embarrassment. Shawn struggles to not laugh, Amanda looks horrified, and my expression is blank. Not for long though. I feel a laugh coming and I try to hold it in. If I open my mouth to talk I'll start laughing. So will Shawn.

"Cam! What are you doing here?" My mom says sounding embarrassed.

"I live here. Just because I went to vampire prison for a few days doesn't mean I moved out. I'm actually surprised I was able to was in. I guess since the door was open that counts as an invitation. Right Shawn?"

"Sometimes. Ya. It can."

"Cool. Oh. Dad is downstairs. I'm just going to buzz him up. I hope you don't mind."

"Cameron!" She yells, but I'm already at the buzzer in a blur.

"Come on up Dad. Mom is being very inviting."

"Cameron!" My mom yells again.

"What!" I yell back.

"What happened to you?" She says sounding like she's out of breathe.

"I died. I was stabbed and shot. It really hurt."

"Cameron. Now is not the time for jokes."

"I can see that." I gesture to Stefan.

"Hi Stefan. I'm the daughter that didn't want to meet you. I guess you can't always get what you want."



"Enough! What makes you think you can barge in here and start being rude to me?"

"Since you are the reason I died. I never would've been taken to Vamp Ville if I knew about vampires. I never would've died. I wouldn't be treating you like this right now. And finally I would've been able to grow up."

"Cam." my mom says sadly.

"Don't Cam me. I just came to say goodbye. Same with Dad. You know since you turned him in and all."

My mom starts to cry, but I don't care. All I feel is the anger toward my mother. I turn around and walk out of the apartment. I hear Shawn says it was nice to meet you, and follows me out the door. Amanda doesn't say anything. She just follows close behind. Amanda takes Shawn and I to the apartment we rented on Amanda's phone on the way down here. She stops outside the building and we get out.

I open the door to the building and press the elevator button. I don't get pricked this time. The elevator doors open and we walk in and go up to our floor. The doors open to our apartment. He takes a hesitant step through the door making sure he can. His foot passes through the barrier and he walks through. I follow behind. He picks me up and carries me to the couch and plops me down on it. He lays on top of me and we kiss.

"Welcome home." He says to me and kisses me again.

"Welcome home." I say back.

My life will forever be different, and so will society. Things are going to change around here, and it all started with the push of a button. Life for vampires is about to get a lot better than it was a few days or months ago. Now they can live normal lives if they choose. Any vampire can choose now. Hospitals sell blood bags, and more stores are open at night as well as during the day, and other businesses have vampires work during the evening so they have jobs. Society will forever be changed to accept vampires. As for Vamp Ville, it's now a prison for vampires that break the rules. All thanks to an 18 year old girl, me, opening the doors to the walled city that was known as Miami. Today, it's just Vamp Ville.

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