Chapter 5

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I turn around to find Shawn gaping at me. In the blink of an eye he's standing in front of me. I'm too shocked to say anything. So he talks first.

"Your a vampire?"

"No! I'm human! I'm warm to the touch. I never died!"

"Are you sure? How long were you in that basement?"

"I don't know. I was knocked out in April 5th."

"It's April 10th."


"That's too long. It you were turned you would be dead by now. You can't turn and live this long without blood. You haven't woken up any other time?"


"Then your still human, but how did you do that? Vampires can't have kids."

"I know. That means my dad was turned after I was born."

"Were you injected with something?"


"You don't know. Do you?"

"No idea. I've been unconscious for 5 days!"

"Vampires don't stay down that long. The longest time a vampire is unconscious is a day. And that's pushing it."


"Believe me. I know."

"Do I wanna know?"

"Not really."

"Got it. So how did I run out of my apartment and get all the way over here in a minute?"

"I have no idea."

We walk back to my apartment in silence. We walk in the door and he closes it behind me.

"Maybe someone else is helping. There are serums that can be made now a days where humans can temporarily have the abilities of a vampire without the blood lust. Uh. Speaking of blood, do you mind if I take some from your fridge?"

"Help yourself. I'm not gonna drink that any time soon."


He walks into the other room while I ponder who could've given me that serum. I decide to go over to the TV. Turn it on, and start messing with some of the wires. I look at the screen when I'm done, and it's the camera footage from the basement. Starting Monday morning of April 5th. I fast forward until they put me into the basement. I slow it down and watch. Shawn walks back into the living room with a glass full of red liquid. I'm assuming it's blood.

"How did you do that?"

"My dad thought me cool stuff like this."


I look back at the screen, and my dad is kneeling over me with a syringe in his hand that looks like it's filled with a strange red liquid. I sticks the needle into my neck and pulls a trigger that make the liquid go into my body.

He kisses me on the forehead and goes into the corner. I fast forward. He gives me the shot again and again. Everyday. Even today. I see him stick the needle in my neck and squeeze. About an hour later I wake up. I rush out of the basement. I switch the screen to one of the lobby cameras. I watch myself do the same stuff I did earlier.

This time I notice other things that happen around me. Another man, my dad, comes out of the basement while I'm meeting Shawn for the first time. He rides the elevator after U.S. And goes to the 4th floor. He follows me to my apartment. He knows where I live. He's been watching me. I fast forward to when I store out of the apartment. I come out the door, and I disappear in a blur down the hall to the stairs. I see another blur follow closely behind me. Then I see Shawn come out of my room. I switch the camera again to s lobby camera, and I run in a blur out the building closely followed by two others, my dad and Shawn.

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