Chapter 4

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I leave my room in jean short shorts and an orange tank top with slits across the back. I have sunglasses on my head and I put some eyeliner and mascara on, and brushed my hair so it looked at least somewhat presentable.

I get to the living room and Shawn is still sitting on the couch.

"Ready?" He asks.

"I guess." I reply sounding unsure.

"Don't worry. As long as you don't go announcing your humanity, you should be fine."

We walk out the door and I hear it automatically lock behind me. We go down the elevator and out into the coming dawn.

We go to Daylight Jewellery first, so I don "burn up" in the sun. I buy a gorgeous necklace with a blue gem inside. Shawn said it was a stone called Lapis Lazuli. The stone is held in a silver pocket like shape with a vine like pattern. The necklace rests in the middle of my collarbone.

He pays for me since I haven't gone to the bank to get my money yet. Now we head to the make up store so I can get some vampire pale foundation to put on myself so I can pass a "dead".

We walk in the store and I'm immediately noticed by everyone. One of the female vampires, she looks about 13, is in front of me before I can blink.

"Why are you so tan?" She asks.

"I went tanning yesterday."

"Oh. Ok." She turns to Shawn. "Hey you. You coming tonight?"

"Maybe. She," he signals to me, "is new to my apartment building. So I'm showing her the neighbourhood."

"Ok. Makes since why I haven't seen her."

"You come from the other side?"

I look at Shawn confused. He notices my look and answers for me," Ya. She used to live near some friends of mine down there."

"Oh. Ok. That's cool. Sun's coming up and I don't have jewellery. So. Bye."

She leaves and everyone else goes back to what they were doing. I walk through the aisles and put everything I need into my basket. Shawn makes suggestions here and there.

I'm still not sure I trust him yet. I don't even know why he's helping me with hiding my humanity. So I decide to just ask him.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Not here."

That's all I get. "Not here." What does the even mean? He could've just said, "To be nice" or "Cause you seem cool." But "Not here."? That's just so cryptic.

We pay for my make up, and walk back to the apartment, it doesn't feel like mine yet, in silence. He opens the door for me, and then he's gone. I look around and he's standing in front of the elevator. It dings just as I reach it. We walk in and I press the button for our floor.

We go into my apartment, even though it doesn't feel like it, and I put my stuff in the mirror in my bathroom. I organise everything then head back out to the living room.

"So you didn't answer my question. Why are you helping me?"

"Your human. I was turned because I was human. I don't want that to happen to you too."

"There's more. Keep going."

"Fine. 40 years ago a group of vampires found a flaw in the system. The flaw is that only a human can get everyone out. Only a human can lead the vampires through the wall to the other side. To freedom."

"How? I'm assuming I die easier, I can already see I'm not fast...."

"All that doesn't matter there's a series of scanners that reads body temperature and after that if we fail. There's a path that open. But the wrong way. You think your getting out, but in truth. It leans you to a wall of wooden stakes, but somehow they make the wall transparent so we see more hallway. Vampires keep walking. One of the stakes is bound to go through the heart.

"Now you see why a human can get us through. The flaw is a human can pass through will vampires following behind. I got half way through the tunnel out before one of the vampires I was leading out killed everyone and turned me.

"We all woke up in our own homes, and I was in transition. They turned me so no vampire could get out. That's where you come in."

"What to you mean 'this is where I come in?'"

"I've been waiting for a human to get put in here. Sometimes the VCC isn't as great as they say they are. They've gotten to the point where one small thing that a vampire does is seen as vampirism."

"I didn't even know I was doing a vampire thing because my mom told me they were just stories."

"We evidence your mum is wrong is sitting right in front of you."

"I can see that. Are you saying all those talks of vampires in my school are really vampires? My mom always told me that they are drunk homeless people breaking in."

"Well, that doesn't seem to far off. Some vampires to manage to escape the VCC and live in hiding. If they reveal themselves it's for a reason."

"I thought it was weird because it happened on the day my dad died, but my mom just blew it off."

"A 'vampire' broke into your school on your dad's day of death?"

"Ya. And?"

"Your dad's not dad Cameron. He's a vampire."

"Are you saying he not dead?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Oh my god! So that's why my mom moved on so fast! She knew. She knew the whole time and she kept it from me. She fed me lies! About everything! My dad's not dead. He's a vampire, and he was going to grab me at school and was going to tell me! Holy shit!"

"I might not have been him."

"I knew he wasn't dead! I knew it! I was always so close with my dad. He... no. He has to be a vampire. Do you think he was caught at my school and put in here?"

"If a vampire gets away. They always get away."

"Maybe he herd I was put in here, and got himself arrested."


"I'm serious. Can that happen?"

"Technically. Yes."

I run out of my apartment before Shawn even catches on to what I'm doing. I take the stairs so I can get outside faster. Before I knew it, I was half way down the street. I stop and check my phone. It was only a minute since I left my apartment. There's no way I could've done that by just running. Was I a vampire and I didn't know it?

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