Chapter 10

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Shawn and I look at each other both forgetting that he was in the room for the whole serum conversation. I go through what to say in my head try to think of some serum a vampire would need, but I come up blank.

"What serum?!" Jake shouts at us. I quickly cover my ears again. The ringing comes back but not as loud. I stay like that a few minutes until the ringing stops again.

"I'm human ok? My dad made me a serum to give me vampire abilities so I wouldn't get kill on the spot." I tell him sounding very pissed off and annoyed. Let's face it. I'm very pissed off and annoyed.

"Your human? Then how are you in here?"

"They fucked up. That's how." I say.

"Are you serious?" Jake says kind of loudly. I can feel the ringing coming back again.

"100 percent dickhead. Yell at me again. I dare you. I bet I'll have another nonvampire hearing attack."

"Sorry. Can I help?"

"Yes. Get out and go home. I don't need you. I just need my dad and Shawn."

"Why is Shawn part of this?" I says angrily

"Yell again."


"He's been taking care of my dipshit. That's why I need him. He found me all exposing my humanity and about to get myself killed. He took me to my apartment and explained everything. If you can fall for my story, any vampire can."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She's saying your a stupid careless dick who's gonna get her killed. That's what she's saying. You're stupider than I thought you were." Says Shawn, finally saying something.

"Watch it." Jake says to Shawn sounding angry, but at least he's not talking loudly anymore. "I can rip out your heart before you can say her name." he shouts. Fuck. I spoke too soon.

The ringing hits me like a sledgehammer. I fall to my knees with my hands on my ears, screaming in pain. The ringing is louder than it was before. The pain is more intense. Shawn helps me cover my ears while sitting behind me pressing his chest to my back. He feels warm even though he's dead. He's warm to me. Always was. I try and think only about him. His beautiful brown eyes.

I don't hear the ringing any more, but somehow know it's still there. I'm still trying to keep my thoughts on Shawn and the way he feels. The smoothness of his skin, how it might have been a great surfers tan before he was turned. His hair was probably a light brown or a blonde too. He defiantly could've been a surfer. I should ask him.

I don't hear the ringing or feel that it's still there. I open my eyes, and both Shawn and Jake are staring at me looking shocked. I stare back looking the same way.

"What were you thinking about?" Asked Shawn.

"What?" You stopped screaming about ten minutes ago. You looked like you were focusing on something. You still had your hands on your ears though."

I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him I was thinking about him or is that too creepy. I stare at him in silence. Trying to figure out what to say.

"What were you thinking about? Maybe we could help you focus on it if it happens again." Says Shawn.

"You." I say in a quiet, and shy voice. "I was thinking about you."

Shawn doesn't say anything at first, but then he finds out what to say. "What were you thinking? About me I mean."

"Your eyes, skin. That you could've been a surfer before you turned. Stuff like that."

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