Chapter 7

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"Cami?" Jake replies.

"Ya. What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was turned the night you broke up with me. I was just walking around when some idiot force fed me his blood then snapped my neck. How'd you die? And when?"

I pause, not sure if I should tell him I'm not dead or if I should feed him a lie. I choose to lie.

"My dad turned me. After his funeral."

"Oh, wow! So when you said you were going through some shit. You were dealing with your transition?"

"Ya. I was."

Shawn is standing behind me now, staring at Jake questioningly.

"New boyfriend?" Jake asks.

"No," I reply to quickly, "he's been helping me adjust to life here. Him and my dad. After my dad found out I was put in here, and came along."

My phone dings, and it's a text from Amanda. I forgot she gets up early to do her hair. Sometimes I'd wake up earlier and go over to her house so she could do my hair too.

I read the text from her making sure Jake can't read it too. Hey Cam. Why would they take you away if ur not a vamp. How can they mix something up like that?

I text her back, Your doorman saw my lick the blood off my finger. The elevator button pricked me. I'm guessing it's a vampire detector or something. Anyway. The doorman thought I was a vampire. He called it in, and here I am. Stuck in Miami.

If your not a vampire then why would you lick the blood off your finger?

Do you know of any bandages in the lobby? Ya. Didn't think so. I didn't want my blood dripping all over the floor. Your building is so clean. It doesn't need my blood ruining that.

So ur not a vampire. You we just trying to stop your finger from bleeding?


Ok. Well. How are you going to get out?

I'm not sure. A vampire that's helping me keep my humanity a secret said there's a group of vampires that think a human can get them out of here. Since I'm human. I can do that.

Ok. Text me when your going through with it. I'll be on the other side waiting to be the get away driver. Lol

Lol. Seriously?

Of course. Your like my sister Cam. I believe you. Plus I've never seen you show any signs of being "dead".

Ya well. I'm dripping with them in here. My dad made a serum that gives a human vampire abilities. He's been giving me the serum and it's helping me hide even easier.

Cool!! I nvr knew your dad was a chemist.

Ditto. Oh. And I just ran into Jake.

Jake? Your ex?

Ya. He's standing right in front of me. He turned the night I broke up with him. He doesn't know I'm human. I'm trying to keep it on the DL.

Ok. Then what does he think?

He thinks my dad turned me after his funeral. Which explains why I broke up with him. For him anyway. For me. The reason is my dad just died and I needed time. He thinks it's cus I was transitioning.

Smart move. 2 points for the fake vampire. Lol

Lol. Ttyl. Go get ready for school.

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