Chapter 3

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The elevator dings and we get on. I push in the button for the 4th floor. Again being cautious. If vampires are real, I need to avoid cutting myself.

"Is my finger still bleeding?" I think to myself.

I look down I my finger and its scanned over. How long was I out? My guess is a few days due to the look of my finger. Did he just slap me or hit me with something? What the hell is going on?!

The elevator dings again signalling we reached the 4th floor. I walk down the hall looking at each door until I find 4E. The third door on the left. I do as the note said and put my hand on the door. The metal cold against my hand. The door makes a clip sound and I take that as the door is unlocked. I pull the door an it opens.

I rush inside to find some note of any kind. I get to what looks like a living room, and see a note with my name on it. I run to it, and open it. It reads:

"Dear Cameron James,
This is your apartment that you will live in from now on. You may move if you choose, but this is the apartment we have put you in to start. You are in the walled town of Miami. It is now called Vamp Ville by humans. There is a fridge of animal blood in the kitchen. We don't want you getting used to the blood of human. That's what got your kind here in the first place.

"Finding a job and making a life for yourself here is all on you. We just give you the apartment or house, and give you some money to start on.

"Rules are as follows:
1. You don't try to leave.
2. You don't drink human blood.
3. Do not destroy the cameras or you will be killed on site.
4. Enjoy the heat.

The VCC"

"You've got to be kidding me." I say out loud.

"Not really." I jump and turn around. The weird pale guy is standing in the door way.



"I haven't been kept out of a home in decades."

"I read about this. Vampires have to be invited in. And I'm human. So you can't get in!"

"I don't find this amusing."

"I do! I can just stay here. Alone. Watch TV and die. Never having to accept or believe any of this shit."

"Actually you do. There are at least four cameras in your living room. There probably about four per room. So your looking at about 16 cameras. Watching you 24/7. Sound normal?"

"Maybe if they realise I'm human they will let me go!"

"Most likely not. They didn't find out about me. They still haven't."

"Your human too?!"

"No. I was turned about 40 years ago. I was turned in here. They thought I was a vampire, and they stuck me in here. The only difference between us if I knew about vampires."

"How long has this place been around?"

"About 200 years. I can't remember a life before this one. Some of us can though. I think the oldest here is 700 or something."

"Your kidding."

"Again. No. I'm not. Can I come in. I feel weird leaning on nothing." I look at the way he's standing, and he's leaning against mid air.

I stand there astounding for a few more minutes then ask, " As long as you don't eat me or try to kill me."

"I promise. I've only had human blood once. And that was when I turned. It was actually a witch, but I can't imagine it's much different."

I stand there gaping at him. He's talking about this like he just tried a twister and haven't had one since.

"My point is. I won't bite or kill you. I promise, and I don't break promises." Says the pale guy.

"Your name first."

"Shawn. And you?"


"You gonna let me in yet?"

"Oh. Right. Sure. Come in. I guess."

He takes a cautious step through the door way then walks right in and sits on the couch.

"Nice place. Almost the same as mine."

"Thanks... How old are you?"

"59. I was turned when I was 19. I was put here when I was 17. I managed two years here human. And that's as far as I got. I didn't tell anyone I was human so I could try and stay that way. I suggest you to same."

"Okay then. Can you teach me? I know it sounds weird, but I don't know how to be a vampire."

"It's pretty simple really. Just act like yourself, but make yourself look paler before you go anywhere. It's took me about half an hour to make myself look pale. There's a makeup store around the corner. All the makeup is a pale colour except there are a few that are a darker shade for those who like to tan."

"You can go in the sun?"

"Some. There's a daylight jewellery store down the street. I suggest buying a daylight ring or necklace of some kind so you can walk around during the day and not 'burn up'."

"Got it. Can we go now? After I change because I'm still in my pjs from who knows how long ago."

"Okay. The bedroom is most likely down the hall to the right. They usually have cloths there for you to start off with."

"Okay. Thanks."

I walk down the hall and turn right like Shawn said. I open the door to find a bedroom about the same size as mine back home in New York. The bed has my sheet on it, and all of my furniture. They must have been to my house. I open the closet door to my right and find all of my clothes in there.

I pick out an outfit, close the door, and change. I look into the mirror when I'm done, and look at myself. I don't look too dirty. My brown hair is long and curly like the way I left it. My blue highlights are a little faded. I wonder if there's hair dye here. My face doesn't look to damaged. There is a big bruise on the left side of my face from when that guy slapped me. My brown eyes look just like my dads as always. At least that hasn't changed. I'm still short, not like I was expecting to grow 2" taller to be 5'6" but I'm okay with being short. This way I won't be too noticed. Hopefully.

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