Chapter 2

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"Get down on the ground now, and don't move!" Says one of the men in black.

We do as he says, I can hear the start of a sob from Amanda. I start to get scared too. Why is the government pointing guns at us, and wearing bullet proof vests?

The next thing I know my hands are being pulled behind my back and I feel cold metal hit my wrist. The metal tightens on my wrists and make a sound of pain.

I'm afraid to ask what's going on, and why I'm being put in hand cuffs, but the man in black answers that for me.

"Cameron James. You are under arrest for being a vampire. You will be taken to a holding facility in Miami where you will be with your own kind. If you try to escape, you will be shot then staked on sight. Nod if you understand."

"You think I'm a what?"

"Do you understand?"

"I understand that your gonna shot me if I try to escape, but I don't understand why."

"Vampires, like you, are arrested and sent to Miami so humans will be safe from your kind."

"Vampires are just fiction. I'm just a normal person that just found out her mom is dating someone even though my dad died just six months ago! I'm no vampire! I go out in the sun, don't eat people, and I haven't died! Let me go!"

"We still do not know all the limits of vampires. Your kind is very hard to sedate so we can perform the necessary tests. There still some vampires living amongst us and we don't even know it. You are one of them."

"No. I'm not. I'm perfectly human!"

"Have you had any blood lately?"

"What? Eww. No!"

"A witness says other wise. Did you cut yourself recently?"

I remember the elevator button pricking my finger, and sigh. "I pricked my finger on the elevator button in the lobby. But what does that have to do with anything. Many people lick the blood off there finger if the have no band aid around."

"Like who?"

"Any human being with no band aids! I don't know."

"Take her to the van. I've had enough of this."

"What? I'm not a fuckin' vampire!"

I feel a sharp pain on the side of my face, and everything goes black."


I wake up to the smell of rusted metal. It's dark and there's no one around. I try and stand up but I'm not quiet ready for that yet so I settle with just sitting. I look around to find that I'm in a basement of some kind.

I try to get up again, and I hear the sound of crinkling paper in my pocket. I search my pockets and find a folded piece of paper that reads, "Walk up the stairs and open the door. Take the elevator to floor 4 and go down the hall until you see room 4E. Put your hand on the handle with your thumb on top. Your fingerprint is already entered in. Farther instructions inside."

I try to stand up again, and make my way up the stairs. I open the door at the top. It's night time, there's a lot of people outside. There's no doorman like New York apartments usually do. I go to the elevator and press the up arrow. Cautious at first because the last time I pricked my finger.

As I'm waiting for the elevator, someone else comes into the apartment. He's very pale with semi-short brown hair and brown eyes. He looks around my age, maybe a year or two older.

"You knew?" Says the pale guy.

"To this building. Yes. To New York. No." He sounds British. I've never met someone British before.

"New York? What makes you think your in New York?"

"Because that's where I was just..." I trail off not knowing how long I've been out.

"Ah. You were dumped here. That explains the fact that you think your someone else. We're in Miami. Or what used to be Miami. Now it's just a walled city filled with us vampires."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes. Completely. Why?"

"I'm not a vampire. I'm human. Perfectly human. Vampires are fiction. My mom said so, and I've read book about them. There just stories!"

"So you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"That vampires are real, and your standing in a town filled with them."

"Your kindling right? I'm dreaming. I'm gonna wake up in my bed in my mom's apartment in New York."

"Sorry. No. Your really not. Your never getting out. You'll either die here, or get turned into vampire and live here for eternity."

"Your joking. This is a prank. I bet Jake is gonna jump out from behind a corner and say surprise."

"Who's Jake?"

"My... Why am I still talking to you? I need to go to 4E and find out what the hell is going on."

"I'm right across the hall. I'm in 4F."

"Fantastic." I mumble under my breathe."

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