Chapter 9

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I wake up in a different bed then my own. I open my eyes and see Shawn, asleep, next to me. I roll over and kiss him on the cheek.


"Morning. Wasn't there something we were going to do last night?"

"Ya. We were going to meet the group that has a plan to get us the hell out of here. Why?"

"Because I don't think it's night time anymore."

He's out of bed and opening the curtain in a blur.

"Nope. It's still dark." He's standing in front of the window still shirtless, for when I took it off earlier, and black jean pants.

I get out of bed and go to stand next to him. I still have my close on. I look down to find the floor and realise my shirt is laying next to my feet.

"When did you take my shirt off?"

"Not to long after we made our way to the bed." He laughs and walks over to me. I laugh too. He puts his arms around me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"We can still go if you want. Or we can," He kisses me on my neck, "go back to what we were doing." He kisses my cheek, then my lips. At that I pull him closer because I just can't take the separation.

He lifts me up by my thighs and plops me down on the bed following close behind. He kisses me again and I kiss him back. Running my hands up and down his back memorising the way he feels.

I hear someone approaching the door then soon after I hear a knock. Shawn pulls back, he looks like he's focusing on something.

"What do you want Jake?" He says finally.

"I want to know when Cameron is." I hear him say through the door. It sounds like he's standing right there, but his voice is muffled. Like he's talking from far away.

"I'm right here Jake. What do you want?" Shawn gives me a look. I realise that look means he not going to go away now. I sigh and say, "You know what? I don't care. Tell me in the morning."

"I didn't think you were that stupid. Sleeping with a guy you only just met."

"I'm not sleeping with him. We're just hanging out. He's telling me about his life before he was turned."

"Doesn't sound like your talking to me."

"Go away Jake!" Shawn yells. It hurt my ears because my hearing is so sensitive now. I feel like I have hangover. I put my hands over my ears and wince.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Shawn turns back to look at me with concern.

"You yelling. Ow." I manage to say. My ears still ringing.

"Oh. Sorry. Are you ok?"

"No. My ears are ringing. Noise isn't helping."

"Ok. I'll stop talking."

He changes position on the bed, and holds me while I have my hands over my ears. I notice that Jake isn't banging on the door anymore. He must've heard me saying my ears hurt.

We sit in silence for what seems like forever with my ears ringing and pounding like crazy. It sounds like there's some really annoying school bell ringing right in front of my ears or a really high whistle, or the sound of someone screaming in my ear.

Shawn is still holding me while I'm sitting in his bed. We both still don't have our shirts on, but at this point I don't care. My ears are killing me. I can't really focus on anything else.

I hear a loud bang and I scream. I hear some shouting and think I start to cry. I feel Shawn's arms rap around me tighter helping me cover my ears. I start to relax because all the noise starts to stop. My ears are in less pain, the ringing is stopping.

I open my eyes, not knowing when I closed them, and I see my dad and Jake looking at me with concern. I move my hands from my ears, Shawn's hands follow, and wait. The horrid ringing is gone. It's quiet and I can hear my own thoughts.

Shawn looks at me questioningly and I nod at him signalling I'm ok. I notice that he is sitting so my dad and Jake can't see that I have no shirt on. Shawn hands me my shirt in a blur so they still can't see. I put it on in a blur. It's weird having someone, no Jake, hand me my shirt. Jake and I would sometimes go that far, but I would stop him before it got that far.

Shawn moves away from me to collect his own shirt from the floor by his couch. My dad gives him a look I can only guess as he doesn't like that fact that his daughter was on a bed with a shirtless guy that's not Jake. He always wanted me to be with Jake. He never said anything against it. Once when I was looking for my favourite bracelet I found an engagement ring in his gym bag. The one we used when we went together.

I asked my dad about it later and he said that my mom lost hers and he bought her a new one. I later found the same ring in one of Jake's nightstand drawers. A few weeks later, my dad died, and I broke up with him a few weeks after that once I managed to come out of my room.

"What the hell happened?" My dad asks.

"Jake came to the door asking where Cameron was. She told him to go away and he wouldn't. He kept asking her questions, kind of rude and personal in my opinion. Anyway, I shouted at him to go away and she just covered her ears with her hands. She started crying. She looked like she was in pain. I tried to ask her what was wrong, I wouldn't have heard her if I was human. She said all the yelling made her ears hurt. You guys breaking down the door didn't help much. It just made it worse."

"My ears were ringing so loudly." I shiver at the memory and Shawn puts his arms around me again. "It was like someone was screaming in my ear."

"I didn't hear anything." Jake adds.

"It must be a side effect." Shawn says to my dad.

"It could be. Her hearing is more sensitive now."

"Can you fix it?" Shawn asks.

"I don't know. I can't see what I can do. Maybe tamper with the serum a little."

"Ok. Just do what you can."

"Yes please. That shit hurt!" I say.

"Sorry sweetie. I'll see what I can do until then, are you okay with taking the same dose?"

"Ya. Just no shouting or banging please."

"Deal." My dad leaves the room. Probably going to his place to play with the vamp serum. I look at Jake for the first time and he's staring at us in confusion.

"What serum?" Jake asks.

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