Chapter 8

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I wake up in my bed in my room, but not my room. This is my room in a new building and a new state. I attempt to get up but a strong hand pushes me back down again. I open my eyes and see Shawn standing over me. He puts his finger over his lips then offers me his hand.

I take it and get out of bed, and he injects me with the vamp serum. We blur out of my apartment and into centre town. We start to walk normally. He's still holding my hand and I don't abject. He talks about some of the shops and what they were like 40 years ago. I listen actually finding myself fascinated.

We stop in the park and we sit on a bench looking at the beautiful fountain that sits just a few feet from us. He's staring at me again. His eyes are so brown. I didn't realise how brown they were the first time I saw him. He's really pale, not ghost or chalk white pale, which makes his eyes stand out more. His hair isn't too short, not short enough to run my fingers through, and not the long that it hangs down the side of his head. His hair is a dark brown that matches the colour of his eyes. He's not too tall either. If I had to guess I would say around 5'8" or 5'9".

After observing what he looks like and the way he looks in the sunlight, I realise I've been doing the same thing he's been doing to me. I've been staring at him. He's been observing my long and curly dark, chocolaty, brown hair with blue highlights. My dark brown, technically black, eyes, and trying to figure out how tall I am, 5'4".

"You dye your hair blue?"

"Ya. I usually tell people it's natural to see there reaction, but I don't think you'd find that too funny."

"Ya. Probably not. So why do you dye it?"

"I don't know. I sprayed my hair with blue highlights for a Halloween costume one year, I was a witch, and I liked it so my mom let me keep dying it."

"How old were you?"

"Five. Maybe six. Long enough for the kids in my grade to believe me when I tell them it's natural."

"Wow. Don't you ever get bored of it?"

"Not really."

We sit in the sun for awhile just watching people passing by. We don't say anything to each other for a long time. My phone dings and I put it out of my pocket and look to see who it is. It's my mom. I stare blankly at my phone. Not knowing if I want to read it or not.

"What is it?" Shawn finally noticing I'm staring at my phone.

"My mom texted me."

"What'd she say?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure I want to find out."

"Why not?"

"She lied to me. My whole life. If it weren't for her I'd still be in school and graduating in a few months."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. It's not your fault."

"I know, but that sucks."

"Ya. It does."

"Read it. Or I will."

"Fine." I open the text and position my phone so Shawn can see too.

Hi Cami. It's your mom. I figured you deleted my number. I'm so sorry I kept the world of vampires from you. I wanted you to be safe. I'm guessing by now you probably found your dad. I'm so sorry about everything. Please forgive me. <3

I can't forgive you. I'm stuck in a wall city away from mostly everyone I know. You made me grieve over dad. I thought Jake just moved away. None of that is true! Not even the fact that no people live in Miami. So don't text me again. Not for awhile.

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