Chapter 6

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Before I know it, I'm in a park like area. There's barely anyone here, which is good because I just want to be alone. I can't think about my old life right now. Did I just say old life? What is wrong with me?

I'm getting out of this. I'll go home, say it was all a misunderstanding. I can go back to my life, right? I walk around the park for what seems like hours. It might be.

I leave the park when the sun starts to set, and I go look for another quiet place. I walk down crowding street and pass dozens of vampires. They all look at me, I guess that's a given. They've never seen me before. They're probably wondering how I was discovered.

I find a dark building on some street that looks abandon. I start walking toward the building. I see movement in one of the windows as I get closer. I turn around and try to find somewhere else. I turn town ally after ally. I find one with a semi-clean mattress I don't cringe at when look at it. I lay down and go to pull a sweater shirt closer that's not there.

I close my eyes and think about everything that has happened to me since I woke up on the six month anniversary of my dad's "death". If I hadn't licked the blood off my finger, this wouldn't have happened. Yet I wouldn't know my dad was still alive. I wouldn't have ever met Shawn. Was that a good or bad thing? Did I even like Shawn? I drift off to sleep thing about Shawn.

I wake up and it's still dark. I look at my phone, it's 11 o'clock at night and it's a day later. I also discover that my battery is almost dead. It's been six days since I've charged it. How is it still working? I decide to find a mall, malls have free chargers.

I try to run like a vampire and I can't. My dad injected it once a day on the camera. I've been asleep for a day. I need a new injection to use vampire speed. I just decide to run to find a mall. I stop on some streets and ask some female vampires. They direct me there without leading me astray. I go into the mall and find the Apple Store. I unplug one of there phones and plug in mine. Everyone is looking at me.

"I lost my charger while I was unpacking my stuff."

Some people nod and others just go back to what there doing. I pull up my conversation with Amanda. I text her, Hey. It's me. Don't be scared of me. I'm not a vampire. I was falsely accused. I'm going to get out of this, and everything will go back to normal. I promise.

It sends, I didn't even think it would. If vampires could still talk to there loved ones on the outside, why would they want to leave? Why do I? I can text and FaceTime my mom and Amanda. I can see my dad. Why is this a bad place? Oh ya. I'm not one of them.


I leave once my phone is fully charged. It is almost daylight. I decide to make my way back to the park and sit by the fountain in the middle.

I lean my head back and close my eyes. I'm still tired, even though I slept unconscious for five days then slept all day last night. I feel the bench creak under the weight of someone else. I open my eyes and look to see who sat next to me.

It's Shawn. He's staring at me. I can't read the expression on his face. Is it relief that he found me or something else?

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Looking for you. What are you doing here?" He replies.

Trying to be alone. You're not helping."

"I can see that. Why'd you run off like that?"

"I don't cry. I've never cried. Ever. I shed one tear at my dads fake funeral. That's it. I've never cried, and I started crying. It scared me. So I ran. And now I can't run."

He holds out a syringe and hands it to me. It's filled with a weird red liquid.

"Thought you might want it. You were using that speed a lot."

"Thanks. I think. Can you? I don't know how."

He take the syringe back, and injects it into my neck. It stings. A lot. I hold my neck.

"You couldn't warn me?"

"Three, two, one."


"Sorry. I've learned it's better to not know when it's coming. Hurts but at least it's over with."

"Where'd you learn that?"

"I've been alive 59 years. You learn things."

"Got it. I'm almost 18. I apparently don't know a lot."

He laughs and I soon follow. After a few minutes we have no idea why we are laughing. We're just laughing.

We finally stop laughing. I gives me that look again, the same one he gave me when I was staring at him when he first got here.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

I pull up the camera on my phone. Take his picture before he notices what I'm doing. I show him the picture.

"Like that."

He's speechless. I've never made anyone go speechless. Now he looks like he's pondering what to say next. He opens him mouth and closes it a few times before he actually says something.

"I know I've only know you for... two days is it now? Anyway, I like you. I don't know how just yet. But I do."

Now I'm the speechless one. No ones said that to me since Jake. And that was two years ago. I haven't seen him since the night I broke up with him. What if he became a vampire? Or was a vampire? It's possible.

"Cami?" I hear someone say. It sounds far away, but I can hear it perfectly clear. I start to look around. I stand up to get a better view of my surroundings.

"What is it?" asks Shawn.

"Someone called me Cami." I reply.

Then I see him. A guy around my age. He's staring at me. I use my super speed, and I'm standing right in front of him and pinning him to the wall before I can blink.


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