Chapter 12

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The door opens and a tall middle aged man opens the door. His hair is cut in a military style. His hair looks like it's brown and his eyes are hazel. He looks about six foot and in his mid 30s.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"I hope so." I reply.

He ushers the four of us into his office, and he sits down at his desk. He motions for us to sit in the seats across from him. We sit down and he leans forward and puts his hands on the desk.

"What can I help you with?"

"I has hoping you could open the doors to the vampires who would like to leave. Those vampires have done nothing wrong. They merely just messed up. No one is perfect. Not even vampires. Will you let them go? Please."

"What makes you think I'd let those blood suckers outside these walls."

"Most of them have been locked away long enough that there so used to animal blood that they can't remember there ever being a difference. And those who would want human blood can just get them from the hospital's blood banks. The hospitals could charge the vampires for it instead of them having to steal it."

"You've really thought this out haven't you?"

"Yes. Yes I have. Not all of them are bad. The ones that are bad or commit a crime we can just stick back in here. This place could be a prison for vampires. The only reason they were violent in the past is because they wanted to protect there secret. They wanted to avoid all of this."

"I really hope you're not wasting my time right now."

"I'm not. I've seen the good side of vampires. I know there is one."

"And how do you know this?"

"If you watch the right cameras with the right group of vampires. You'll see they're not bad at all."

"You learned all this from the cameras."

"Yes. Yes I have." It was Shawn's idea to make it seem like we have been watching the vampires and James agreed. It was the better and safer bet.

"Now how is that? I don't remember ever seeing you in the camera room. What's your name?"

"Alexis Cameron." I say my middle name then my first so he doesn't know my real one. Cameron A. James.

"I don't remember hiring you. Let me see your badge."

"I lost it. That's the other thing I was going to ask if you didn't fire me for asking the things I'm asking right now. I figured why waste the time if you might fire me anyway."

"Huh. Ok. Well. Have you thought about what the world would think of vampires started roaming the streets again?"

"Yes. They would walk on eggshells at first, but they would get used to it eventually once they realise what I have. There not bad people."

"And what do you three think about this plan?"

"I think it's a great one. The history books say you never gave them a chance and you just locked them up. I think you should give them a chance to life amongst the humans. Not in hiding for us." Says Shawn, the other two nod there heads once he's done. Shawn is the youngest of the three vampires in here, so he would know what the books say and because he can be really convincing.

"You kids have a really convincing argument. Let me tell you what I think. I think you are vampires that found some way in here and you're pretending to be human so you can get your friends out. Did I miss anything?"

"Yes. You did actually. You missed the part where I am human and I let them in."

"You're human. There no way. My agents check for a pulse every time before they take someone."

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